- Self-indulgence of Sinners: Sin originated by Man: all Sin recorded in Heaven: Woes for the Sinners.
Chapter 98
1 “And now I declare to you ye cunning and foolish,
Because ye often view the earth,
2 And because ye men, spread more ornaments over you than any young woman,
Every where arraying yourselves in majesty,
In elevation, in magnificence, in authority,
And in silver but gold, purple, honour, and riches,
Like water shall flow away.
3 “Therefore instruction and wisdom are not in them,
And by this they shall perish, together with all their riches,
With all their splendour, and with all their honours.
And in disgrace, and in slaughter, and in extreme poverty,
Your spirits shall be cast into a furnace of fire.
4 “I have declared to you ye sinners,
That neither mountain or hill has been or shall be a servant to women.
In one year such a mass of sin has not been sent upon the earth,
But men of their own heads have caused it,
And a powerful malediction shall be the portion of those who this have done.
5 “And barrenness shall not be inflicted upon women,
But on account of the works of their hands they shall die childless.
6 “I have declared to you ye sinners,By the holy and Great One,That all your evil deeds are revealed in the heavens,And that there is not one of the deeds of your oppression concealed and secret.
7 “Think not in your spirits,Neither say in your hearts,That every crime is not seen, and written down,For what is done is written every day before the Most High in heaven,
8 And from this time forth it shall be marked down,For all your oppression with which you have oppressed,Shall be written every day until the day of your judgment.
9 “Woe to you, ye fools,For ye shall perish in your folly,For you will not listen to the wise,And what is good you shall not find out.
10 “Now therefore know that you are appointed to the day of destruction,And expect not that sinners shall live,But you shall go on and die,For you are not pointed out for redemption.But you are appointed for the day of the great judgment,For the day of tribulation, and the extreme disgrace of your souls.
11 “Woe to you, ye hardened in heart,Who commit wickedness and feed on blood.Whence do you eat and drink what is good, and are satiated?Is it not because our Lord the Most High has richly given every good thing on earth?To you there shall be no peace.
12 “Woe to you who love the deeds of unrighteousness.Wherefore do ye expect that which is good?Know that you shall be given into the hands of the righteousWho shall cut off your necks, kill you,And shew you no compassion.
13 “Woe to you who have your joy at the trouble of the righteous,For a grave shall not be dug for you.
14 “Woe to you who frustrate the word of the righteous,For to you there shall be no hope of life.
15 “Woe to you who write down the word of falsehood,And the word of the ungodly, for they write down their falsehood,That they may hear, and not forget folly.
16 And for them there shall be no peace,For by death they shall suddenly expire.”
- Woes pronounced on the Godless, the Lawbreakers: evil Plight of Sinners in the last Days: further Woes.
Chapter 99
1 “Woe to them who commit wickedness,Who praise and honour the word of falsehood.You have been lost in your way,And there is not in you a good life.
2 Woe to you who change the words of righteousness,Ye transgress the everlasting decree,And make the heads of those who are not sinnersTo be trodden down upon the earth.
3 “Oh ye righteous!In those days ye shall have been thought worthy of having your prayersTo rise up for a remembrance,And they shall be set for a witness before the angels,That they may place the sins of sinnersFor a remembrance before the Most High.
4 “In those days the nations shall be amazed,But the generations of the nations shall be raised again in the day of destruction.
5 And in those days they who shall become pregnant,Shall go forth and tear their children, and forsake them,And their offspring shall fall from them,And while suckling them, they shall cast them away,And shall never return to them,And have no compassion for their beloved.
6 “Again I declare to you ye sinners,That crime has been appointed for the day of blood,Which never ceases.
7 “They shall worship stones,And form images of gold, of silver, of wood, and of clay,And they shall worship unclean spirits, demons,And every idol in temples,But no relief shall be found for them,
8 “And they shall become forgetful by reason of the folly of Their hearts,And their eyes shall be blinded in the fears of their hearts,And in the visions of their dreams,
9 in which they shall be wicked, and be afraid,Because all their deeds are done in falsehood,And worshiping stones, and they shall be altogether destroyed.
10 “But in those days they shall be blessed,Who receive the word of wisdom,Who proclaim and receive the way of the Most High,Who walk in the ways of righteousness,And who are not wicked with those who are wicked.Then they shall be secure.
11 “Woe to you who extend the wickedness of your neighbour,For in hell you shall be destroyed.
12 “Woe to you who lay the foundation of sin,And who are bitter upon earth,For upon it you shall be destroyed.
13 “Woe to you who build your houses by the labour of others,And all its fabric is brick, and the stone of sin.To you I declare that peace you shall never obtain.
14 “Woe to you, who consume the measure of the portion of your father,Which is for ever, and your spirits follow after idols.For you there shall be no repose.
15 “Woe to them who work wickedness,And give aid to oppression,Who slay their neighbour until the day of the great judgment.
16 “For your glory shall be cast down,Malice shall be put in your hearts,And he shall stir up the spirit of his indignation,That he may destroy you all with the sword.Then all the righteous and the holy shall remember your crimes.”
- The Sinners destroy each other: Judgement of the fallen Angels: the Safety of the Righteous: further Woes for the Sinners.
Chapter 100
1 “And in those days fathers shall be slain with their children in one place,And brethren with their neighbours shall fall down in death,Until a stream shall flow from their blood.
2 For a man shall not keep back his hand from his children,Nor from his children's children,“For he has been merciful, that he may kill them.And the sinner shall not keep back his hand from his honoured brother,For the slaughter shall continue from the appearance of dayTo the setting of the sun,
3 And the horse shall wade up to his breast,And the chariot shall sink to its upper part in the blood of sinners.
4 “And in those days the angels shall descend into lurking holes,And bring together into one place all those who have assisted in sin.“In that day the Most High shall rise upTo execute the great judgment upon all sinners,
5 “And he will appoint the holy angelsTo be Watchers over all the righteous and the holy,That they may protect them as the pupil of an eye,Until all wickedness and all sin be destroyed.And then all the righteous shall sleep a deep sleep,For there is nothing in them to make them afraid,
6 “And truly they shall see the wise men.And the children of the earth shall understand every word of that book,And know that their riches cannot save them from the ruin of their sins.
7 “Woe to you, ye sinners,When ye shall be grieved before the righteous in the day of the violent oppressionYe shall be burnt in the fire, and rewarded according to your works.
8 Woe to you, ye corrupted in heart,Who watch to understand wickedness, and to find out terrors,For you there will be no assistance.
9 “Woe to you ye sinners,For on account of the words of your mouths,And the works of your hands,You have committed impiety,You shall be burnt in the heat of a flaming fire.
10 And now know ye, that the angels shall search out your deedsIn heaven from the sun,And from the moon, and from the stars,On account of your wickednessFor upon the earthYou exercised authority over the righteous.
11 “Every cloud shall bear witness against you,The mist, and the dew, and the rain,They shall all be withholden from you,That they may not descend to you,And assist you because of your sins.
12 “And now bring gifts to the Almighty for the rain,That it may not be withholden,But descend upon you, and for the dew,If you have received by it gold, or silver.
13 But when the frost, snow, cold, and every snowy wind,And all their afflictions shall fall upon you,At that time, you shall not be able to stand before them.”