The Book of Enoch
- Parable of Enoch on the Future Lot of the Wicked and the Righteous.
Chapter 1
1 The word of the blessing of Enoch, by which he blessed the elect and the righteous, who were to live in the time of tribulation, to the rejection* of all the wicked and ungodly.
2 Enoch, a righteous man, who was with God, answered and spoke, when his eyes were open, and he saw a holy vision in the heavens— this the angels shewed me. From them I heard all things, and understood what I saw, that which will not be done in this generation, but in a generation which is to come at a future time, on account of the elect.
3 On their account I spoke and talked with him:
Who will then go forth from his mansion,*
The holy and mighty One,
4 The God of this world.
Who will then walk upon Mount Sinai,
Appear with his hosts,
And be revealed in the strength of his power from heaven.
5 All shall be afraid,
And the Watchers* shall be terrified.
Great fear and trembling shall seize them, even to the ends of the earth,
6 The lofty mountains shall be shaken,
And the high hills depressed,
And melt like a honeycomb* in the fire,
7 The earth shall be overflowed,*
And all which is upon it shall perish,
When judgment shall come upon all,
8 Even upon the righteous.
But to them he will give peace,
He will save the elect,
And towards them be merciful.
So then all shall be made happy and blessed by God,
And the splendour of God shall them enlighten.
9 Behold! He cometh with ten thousand of his saints,
To execute judgment upon them,
And to destroy the wicked and punish all the carnal,
For everything which the sinful and ungodly have done,
And committed against him.
Chapter 2
1 All who are in the heavens know what there is done. That the lights of heaven change not their paths, that every one rises and sets according to its regulation,* everyone at its time, without transgression of the divine commands, they see the earth,
2 and understand what there is done, from the beginning of it to the end, that every work of God is unchangeable in the time of its appearance,
3 they behold summer and winter, that the whole earth is full of water, and that it is refreshed by the clouds, the dew, and the rain.
Chapter 3
1 They consider and view every tree how it withers, and every leaf falls off, except fourteen trees, which cast not off their leaves, but wait from the old to the new leaf for two or three winters.
Chapter 4
1 Again they observe the days of summer, that the sun is direct upon it at their beginning, when you seek for a covered and shady tree, by reason of the burning sun, when the earth is scorched with fervid heat, and you are neither able to walk upon the ground or upon the rocks, because of that heat.
Chapter 5
1 They observe how the trees when they put forth their green leaves, cover themselves, and bear fruit, they understand all, and know that He who lives forever, does all these things for you,
2 that the works at the beginning of every equal year,* that all his works are subservient to him, and unchangeable, yet as God has appointed, so must all things be done.
3 They also behold how the seas and the rivers together perform their labours*.
4 But you wait not in patience, nor perform the commands of the Lord,
But you oppose and defame his greatness,
And the words in your defiled mouths are malignant against His Majesty.
Ye withered in heart, for you there shall be no peace.
5 Therefore you shall curse your days,
And the years of your lives shall pass away,
Incessant cursing shall be increased,
And you shall obtain no mercy.
6 In those days you shall resign your peace with the eternal maledictions of all the righteous,
And sinners shall continually execrate you.
They shall execrate you with all the ungodly.
7 The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace,
And they shall inherit the earth*.
But you, ye unholy, shall be accursed.
8 Then wisdom shall be given to the elect,
They shall live and shall not again commit offences by wickedness or pride,
But they shall humble themselves in the possession of prudence,
9 And shall not repeat offences,
They shall not be condemned during the whole time of their lives,
Nor die in torment and wrath,
But the number of their days shall be fulfilled,
And they shall grow old in peace,
And the years of their happiness shall be increased
With joy and with peace,
For ever, so long as they shall live.
* Translation Notes:1.1 "Rejection" or removal.1.3 "Mansion" or dwelling place.1.5 "Watchers," refering to the scouting angels that were stationed at Mt. Hermon.1.6 "Melt like a honeycomb'" or melt like wax. 1.7. "Overflowed," a reference to the future flood.1.9. This verse quoted by the Apostle Jude, (Jude 1:14). 2.1 "Regulation" most likely refering to the tropical year, the times of the seasons.5.2 "Equal year," most likely referring to an equal year of 360 days per year.5.3 "Labors" perhaps the tides of the seas ond ocean by way of the moon cycle.5.7 "Shall inherit the earth," quoted by Jesus (Matt. 5:5).