The Second Dream
- Vision of Enoch: The History of the World to the Founding of the Messianic Kingdom
Chapter 85
1 After this I saw another dream, and I explained it all to thee my son.
2 Enoch arose and said to his son Mathusala, “To thee my son I will speak. Hear my word, and incline thine ear to the vision of the dream of thy father.
3 “Before I took thy mother Edna, I saw a vision on my bed. And behold, an animal went forth from the earth; And this animal was white; Afterward a female heifer went forth, and with it went forth a pair of animals, one of them was black, and the other red.
4 And that black animal struck the red one, and followed it over the earth. From that time, I never could see the red animal.
5 “But the black one increased, and a female heifer came with him. After this I saw that from him came forth many animals like him, and following after him.
6 The first female young one went out from the presence of the first animal, and sought the red animal, but found him not. And she lamented with a great lamentation, and sought him.
7 And I saw that the first animal came to her afterwards, and made her quiet, and from that time she cried no more.
8 “Afterwards she brought forth another white animal, And after him brought forth many animals, and black cows.
9 And I saw in my sleep a white bull, which in like manner grew and became a great white bull. After him came forth many animals like him.
10 And they began to shew many white animals which were like them, and followed each other.
- The Fall of the Angels and the Demoralization of Mankind.
Chapter 86
1 “Again I saw with my eyes while I slept, and I saw heaven above. And behold a star fell from heaven, And it raised itself up, and eat, and fed amongst these animals.
2 “After that I saw other large and black animals, and behold they all changed their stalls, and pastures, and their young began to lament one with another.
3 “Again I saw in my vision, and looked to heaven, and behold, I saw many stars, which descended, and cast themselves from heaven to that first star. Among these young cows, and the animals were with them and fed in the midst of them.
4 I looked at them and saw them, and behold they brought out their shame like those of horses, and began to ascend the young cows of the animals, and they all became pregnant, and brought elephants, camels and asses.
5 “All the animals were afraid, and terrified for these, and they began to bite with their teeth, and to swallow them up, and to push with their horns.
6 They also began to devour the animals, and behold all the children of the earth began to tremble, and to quake for them, and to flee away.
- The Advent of the Seven Archangels.
Chapter 87
1 “Again I saw them when they began to push one another, and to swallow each other, and the earth began to cry out.
2 “And I raised my eyes again to heaven and saw in the vision, and behold, there came forth from heaven, as it were the appearance of white men. One came from that place, and three with him.
3 And those three who came forth last, took me by my hand, and raised me up from the generation of the earth, and exalted me to a high place. And they shewed me a lofty tower on the earth, and every hill appeared to be less.
4 “And they said to me, ‘Remain here, until thou seest what will come upon these elephants, camels, and asses, upon the stars, and upon all the animals.’”
- The Punishment of the Fallen Angels by the Archangels.
Chapter 88
1 “And I saw one of these four, who were come forth before. He seized the first star, which fell down from heaven, he bound him hand and foot, and cast him into a cavern, a cavern narrow, and deep, dismal, and gloomy.
2 “And one of them drew his sword, and gave it to these elephants, camels, and asses, and they began to smite one another, and beneath them the whole earth was shaken.
3 “And then I saw in the vision, and behold the leader of these four angels, who were come, and descended from heaven, gathered together, and took all those great stars, whose shame were as the shame of horses, and bound them hand and foot, and cast them into the cavities of the earth.”