The First journey
Chapter 17
1 They raised me upon high on a place, where there was the appearance of a burning fire, and when they pleased, they assumed the appearance of men.
2 They carried me to a high place, to a mountain, the top of which reached to heaven.
3 And I saw the receptacles of lightning and of thunder at the end of the place where it was deepest, there was a bow of fire, and arrows in their quiver, a sword of fire, and every sort of lightning.
4 They raised me on high to a splashing stream, and to a fire in the west, which received all the setting of the sun.
5 I came to a river of fire which flowed like water, and emptied itself into the great sea towards the west.
6 I saw, every large river until I came to the great darkness, I went to where all flesh go.
7 And I saw the mountains of obscurity which produce winter, and the place from whence the water comes forth in every gulf.
8 I also saw the mouths of all the rivers in the world and the mouths of the deep.
Chapter 18
1 I then beheld the receptacles of all the winds, and perceived that in them were the embellishments of the whole creation, and the foundation of the earth.
2 I beheld the stone corners of the earth. I also saw the four winds, which sustain the earth, and the firmament of heaven.
3 And I saw the winds working in the height of heaven, which arise in the midst of heaven and earth, and compose the pillars of heaven.
4 I saw the winds which turn the sky, which cause the orb of the sun and all the stars to set, and above the earth,
5 I saw the winds which bear up the clouds. I saw the path of the angels.
6 I perceived at the end of the earth, the expanse of heaven above it. Then I went on towards the south, where burnt both by day and night six mountains formed of glorious stones, three towards the east, and three towards the south.
7 Those which were towards the east were of a variegated stone, one of which was like pearl, and another of antimony, and those towards the south were of a red stone,
8 the middle one reached to heaven, like the throne of God, of alabaster, the top of which was of sapphire.
9 I also saw a sparkling fire which was over all the mountains.
10 And there I saw a place on the other side of an extended country, where waters were gathered.
11 I also saw earthly fountains deep in the fiery columns of heaven. And in the columns of heaven I saw fires which descended without number, but not on high, or into the deep.
12 And over these fountains I perceived a place which had neither the expanse of heaven above it, or the solid ground beneath it, neither was the water above it, or aught on the side, but the place was a desert.
13 And there I saw seven stars like great flaming mountains, and like spirits praying to me. Then the angel said,
14 “This place will be the prison of the stars, and of the hosts of heaven, until the termination of heaven and earth.
15 The stars which move over fire, are those who transgressed the commandment of the Lord before their time was come, for they came not in the right time.
16 Therefore He was angry with them, and bound until the time of the termination of their crimes in the secret year.
Chapter 19
1 Then Uriel said, “Here the angels who cohabited with women appointed their leaders, and being numerous in appearance caused men to be wicked, and seduced them into errors, so that they sacrificed to devils as to gods, but in the Great Day there shall be a judgment, with which they shall be judged, until they are destroyed.
2 And their wives also shall be judged, who led astray the angels of heaven that they might salute them.”
3 And I, Enoch, I alone saw the likeness of the end of all things, and no human being saw it as I saw it.
- Name and Functions of the Seven Archangels.
Chapter 20
1 The following are the names of the angels who watch:
2 Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is appointed over alarm and terror.
3 Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is appointed over the souls of men.
4 Raguel, one of the holy angels, who inflicts punishment on the world, and on the luminaries.
5 Michael, one of the holy angels, who is placed over human virtue, rules the nation.
6 Sarakiel, one of the holy angels, who is placed over the souls of the children of men that offend.
7 Gabriel, one of the holy angels, who is appointed over Ikisat, over Paradise, and over the cherubim; and
8 Phanuel, one of the holy angels, who presides over repentance, and the hope of those who will inherit eternal life.