The Third Parable (Continued)
- Angels go off to measure Paradise: the Judgement of the Righteous by the Elect One: the Praise of the Elect One and of God.
Chapter 61
1 And I saw in those days that there were long ropes given to those angels, who lifted up their wings and went towards the north.
2 And I enquired of the angel and said, “Wherefore have they taken these long ropes and gone forth?”He said to me, “They are gone forth to measure.”
3 The angel who went me said to me,“These are measures of the righteous,And the righteous shall bring cordsThat they may rest upon the name of the Lord of Spirits, for ever and ever.”
4 The elect shall begin to dwell with the Elect One.And these are the measures which shall be given to faith,And which shall strengthen the word of righteousness.
6 Then the kings, the mighty, and all who possess the earth, shall glorify, praise, and exalt Him who rules over all things, Him who was concealed,
5 And these measures shall disclose all the secrets in the depth of the earth.And they who have been destroyed in the desert,And they who have been devoured by the fish of the sea,And by wild beasts, Shall return, and trust in the day of the Elect One,For none shall perish in the presence of the Lord of Spirits,Nor shall any be able to perish.
7 And first with their voice, they praised Him,They exalted Him, they glorified Him, with wisdom,And displayed wisdom with the word, and with the spirit of life.
8 Then the Lord of Spirits placed the Elect One upon the throne of his glory.And he shall judge all the works of the holy above in heaven,And he shall weigh their actions in a balance.
9 And when he shall lift up his countenanceTo judge their secret ways by the word of the name of the Lord of Spirits,And their conduct in the way of the righteous judgment of the great exalted Ruler.They shall altogether speak with united voice,And bless, glorify, exalt, and praise, in the name of the Lord of Spirits.
10 He shall call to every power of the heavens, to all the holy above, and to the power of the Almighty Ruler, the cherubim, the seraphim, and the ophanin, all the angels of power, and all the angels of the Rulers,
11 namely of the Elect One, and of the other power, who was upon earth over the water on that day shall raise their united voice, shall bless, glorify, praise, and exalt, with the spirit of faith, with the spirit of wisdom and patience, with the spirit of mercy, with the spirit of judgment and peace, and with the spirit of benevolence, all shall say with united voice, “Praised be He, and praised be the name of the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever.
12 “Praise Him all ye who never sleep in heaven above.Praise Him all his saints, who are in heaven,And all the elect who dwell in the Garden of Life.“And all the spirits of light, who are able to bless, glorify, exalt, and praise Your holy name, and all of flesh, more than the powers shall glorify and praise Your Name for evermore.
13 “For the mercy of the Lord of Spirits is great, he is longsuffering, and all his works, all his power, by the greatness of his operations, he has revealed to the saints, and to the elect in his own name.”
- Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty: Blessedness of the Righteous.
Chapter 62
1 Thus the Lord commanded the kings, the mighty and the elevated, and those who dwell on earth, and said, “Open your eyes, and lift up your horns, if ye are able to understand the Elect One.”
2 The Lord of Spirits sat upon the throne of his glory,And the spirit of righteousness was poured out over Him.The word of his mouth shall destroy all the sinners,And all the ungodly, who shall be exterminated by his presence.
3 In that day all the kings, the mighty, and the elevated,And they who possess the earth,Shall see and understandThat he sits on the throne of his glory,And that the saints shall be judged in righteousness before Him.And that no word which shall be spoken before Him shall be in vain.
4 Sorrow shall come upon them as upon a woman in travail,Whose labour is hard,When the child comes to the mouth of the womb,And it is made difficult to bring forth.
5 And one portion of them shall look upon another,And they shall be amazed,And shall cast down their countenances,And grief shall seize them,When they shall see this Son of womanSitting on the throne of His glory.
6 Then they altogether kept the commandment above in the heaven.And a power, and a splendour like fire, to them there was given.
7 for from the beginning the Son of Man was concealed,Whom the Highest approved by His power,And revealed Him to the elect.
8 He shall sow the congregation of the holy and of the elect,And all the elect shall stand before Him on that day.
9 And all the kings, the mighty, and the elevated, and they who rule over the earthShall fall down on their faces before Him,And shall worship Him. They shall place their hopes on this Son of Man,Shall implore Him, and pray to Him for mercy.
10 Then an address shall be given to the Lord of Spirits,That they may hasten to expel the wicked from his presence,And their faces shall be full of shame,And shall be covered with darkness.
11 And the angel of punishment shall seize them,That vengeance may be taken on those who have oppressed his children and his elect,
12 And they shall become an example to the saints and to his elect,Over them these shall rejoice,For the indignation of the Lord of Spirits shall rest upon them.Then the sword of the Lord of Spirits shall be drunk from them.
13 But the righteous and the elect shall be safe in that day,And from that time they shall not behold the faces of the sinners and the ungodly.
14 The Lord of Spirits shall remain over them.And with this Son of Man they shall dwell,Eat, lie down, and stand up for ever and ever.
15 The righteous and the elect have risen from the earth,And have left off to cast down their countenances,And have been clothed with the garment of life.
16 And that garment of life shall be with the Lord of Spirits,And your garment shall not become old,And your glory shall not diminish,In the presence of the Lord of Spirits.
- The unavailing Repentance of the Kings and the Mighty.
Chapter 63
1 In those days the kings and the mighty who possess the earth shall pray to the angels of his punishment, wheresoever they shall be delivered up, that he may give a little rest, and that they may fall down and worship before the Lord of Spirits, and confess their sins before Him.
2 They shall praise and glorify Him the Lord of Spirits, and say,“Praised be the Lord of Spirits, the Lord of Kings,The Lord of the Mighty, the Lord of Lords,The Lord of Glory, and the Lord of Wisdom.
3 “He shall bring every secret to the light.Your power is from generation to generation,And your glory for ever and ever.Your secrets are deep and numberless,And your righteousness is without measure.
4 “We have known that we should glorifyAnd praise the Lord of Kings,Him who is King over all kings.”
5 And they shall say,“Who has given us rest to glorify,Laud, praise, and confess in the presence of His glory.
6 And now the rest is short which we desire, but we find it not,We might obtain it, but we lay not hold of it,Light has always been wasted before us,And darkness has covered our thrones for ever.
7 “For we have not confessed before Him,And we have not glorified the name of the Lord of Kings,We have not glorified the Lord in all His works,But we have confided in our royalty and our glory.
8 “In the day of our tribulation and distress he will not save us,Neither shall we find rest.We confess that our Lord is faithful in all His works,In all His judgments, and in His righteousness.He has no regard to persons in His judgments,
9 And we must depart from His presence on account of our evil deeds.And all our sins are truly without number.”
10 Then they shall say to themselves,“Our souls are satiated with the copiousness of crime.But that prevents us not from descending to the troublesome heat of hell.”
11 And hereafter their faces shall be filled with darknessAnd shame before the Son of Man,From whose face they shall be driven away,And before whom the sword shall remain in the midst to expel them.
12 Thus saith the Lord of Spirits. “This is the decree and the judgment against the mighty, the kings, the elevated, and those who possess the earth in the presence of the Lord of Spirits.”
- Vision of the fallen Angels in the Place of Punishment.
Chapter 64
1 I also saw other faces in that secret place,
2 I heard the voice of an angel who said, “These are the angels who have descended from heaven to earth, and have discovered secrets to the sons of men, and have seduced the sons of men to commit sin.”
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