The Second Parable (continued)
-The Seven Metal Mountains and the Elect One.
Chapter 52
1 After that time, in the place where I had seen every secret vision, I was taken up in a whirlwind, and carried towards the west.
2 There my eyes saw the secrets of heaven, and all which was on the earth, a mountain of iron, a mountain of copper, a mountain of silver, a mountain of gold, a mountain of fluid metal, and a mountain of lead.
3 And I enquired of the angel who went with me, and said, “What are these things, which in secret I behold?”
4 He said, “All these things which thou seest shall be for the dominion of the Messiah, that He may reign and be powerful on the earth.”
5 And that angel of peace answered me and said, “Wait but a short time, and thou shalt see, and every secret thing shall be disclosed to thee which the Lord of Spirits hath determined.
6 For these mountains which thou hast seen,The mountain of iron, the mountain of copper, the mountain of silver,The mountain of gold, the mountain of fluid metal, and the mountain of lead,All these in the presence of the Elect OneShall be like a honeycomb before the fire,And like water descending from above upon the mountains,And shall become weakened before his feet.
7 In those days they shall not be saved by gold and by silver,And they will not have it in their power to defend themselves and to fly.
8 There shall be neither iron given for arms,Nor a coat of mail for the breast.Copper shall be useless,Also that shall be useless which neither rusts nor wastes away,And lead shall not be desired.
9 All these things shall be rejected,And perish from the earth,When the Elect One shall appear in the presence of the Lord of Spirits.
- The Valley of Judgement: the Angels of Punishment: the Communities of the Elect One.
Chapter 53
1 There my eyes saw a deep valley, and its entrance was wide. All who dwell on the land, on the sea, and in islands shall bring to it presents, gifts, and offerings, yet that deep valley shall not be full.
2 Their bands shall commit wickedness,For all which they bring forth by labour,The sinners shall devour with crime,But they shall perish from the face of the Lord of Spirits and from the surface of his earth,For the righteous shall stand up,And shall not fail for ever and ever.
3 And I saw the angels of punishment, who dwelt there, and prepared every instrument of Satan.
4 Then I enquired of the angel of peace, who went with me, for whom these instruments were prepared.
5 He said they were prepared for the kings and mighty of the earth, that by these they may perish.
6 After this the righteous and chosen house of his congregation shall appear henceforth unchangeable in the name of the Lord of Spirits.
7 And these mountains shall not be in his presence as the earth,The hills, and the fountains of water,And the righteous shall be free from the molestation of sinners.
Chapter 54
1 Then I looked, and turned myself to another part of the earth, where I saw a deep valley burning with fire.
2 To this valley they brought rulers and the mighty.
3 And there my eyes saw the instruments which they made, fetters of iron in which there was not weight.
4 Then I enquired of the angel of peace who went with me, and said, “For whom are these fetters and instruments prepared?”
5 He answered, “They are prepared for the host of Azaziel, that they may be delivered over and condemned to the lowest damnation, and that their angels may be overwhelmed with rugged stones, as the Lord of Spirits has appointed.
6 “Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel, shall be strengthened in that day, and shall then cast them into a furnace of flaming fire, that the Lord of Spirits may be avenged of them for their crimes, because they became servants of Satan, and deceived those who dwell on earth.
7 “In those days punishment shall go forth from the Lord of Spirits, and the receptacles which are above the heavens shall be opened, and also the fountains which are under the heavens, and under the earth.
8 All the waters which are in the heavens, and above them shall be mixed together. The water which is above the heaven shall be the agent. And the water which is under the earth shall be the recipient,
9 and all shall be destroyed who dwell upon the earth, and who dwell under the ends of heaven.
10 By this they shall learn to understand the wickedness which they have committed on earth, and by this they shall perish.”