- Grounds of Hopefulness for the Righteous: Woes for the Wicked.
Chapter 106
1 After some time my son Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child,
2 whose flesh was white as snow, and red as a rose, and the hair of his head white like wool to its top, and his eyes were beautiful, and when he opened them he enlightened all the house like the sun, the whole house was light.
3 And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord of righteousness.
4 Then his father Lamech was afraid of him, and fled away, and came to his own father Mathusala,
5 and said to him, “I have begotten a son of a different appearance. He is not like men, but like the angels the children of heaven, for his nature is different, and he is not as we are. His eyes are as the rays of the sun, his countenance glorious,
6 and he appears as if he were not from me, but is like the angels. I am afraid that something wonderful will in his day be done on earth.
7 “And now my father, I entreat and request of you to go to our father Enoch, and to hear from him the truth, for his dwelling is with the angels.”
8 When Mathusala heard the words of his son, he came to me at the ends of the earth, for he had heard that I was there, and he cried out. I heard his voice, and went to him, saying, “Behold, I am here, my son, since thou art come to me.”
9 He answered me, and said, “On account of a great concern, I am come to thee. And by reason of a difficult sight, I have come near to thee.
10 And now my father hear me, for to my son Lamech a child has been born, whose resemblance is not like him, and whose nature is not like the nature of men. His colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the rose, the hairs of his head are whiter than white wool, his eyes like the rays of the sun, and when he opened them, he enlightened the whole house.
11 “And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, he opened his mouth, and praised the Lord of heaven.
12 “His father Lamech feared, and fled to me, and believed the child not to be from him, but he thought he was like the angels of heaven, and behold, I am come to thee, that thou mightest shew the truth.”
13 Then I, Enoch, answered, and said, “The Lord will perform a new work upon the earth, and this I have explained, and seen in a vision: I have declared to thee, that in the time of the companions of my father Jared, those who were from the height of heaven transgressed the commandment of the Lord.
14 Behold, they committed sins, and laid aside their order, and mingled with women, with them they transgressed, married with them, and begot children.
15 And his posterity upon the earth shall beget giants, not spiritual, but carnal, and there shall be a great punishment upon the earth, and it shall be washed from all corruption.
16 Therefore there shall be a great destruction upon all the earth, a flood, a great destruction shall be in one year.
17 “This child who is born to you shall remain upon the earth, and his three sons shall be saved with him, for when all mankind who are upon the earth shall die, he shall be secure.
18 “And now inform thy son Lamech, that he who is born is his child in truth, and he shall call his name Noah, for he shall be to you a survivor, and he and his children shall be secure from the corruption which shall come upon the earth, from all the sin and from all the wickedness, which shall be accomplished on the earth in his days.
19 “After that there shall be greater wickedness, than that which was first accomplished, on the earth, for I know the secrets of the Holy One, because the Lord himself has revealed and declared them to me, and of them I have read in the tablets of heaven.”
- The Evils in Store for Sinners and the Possessors of unrighteous Wealth.
Chapter 107
1 “And upon them I saw it written, that generation after generation shall offend, until a righteous race shall arise, until offences and crime shall perish, and pass away, from off the earth, and all goodness shall come upon it.
2 “And now my son, inform thy son Lamech, that the child who is born is his child in truth, and that there is no deceit.”
3 When Mathusala heard the words of his father Enoch, who had shewn him everything which was concealed, he departed with seeing, and called the name of that child Noah, because he was to restore the earth after its total destruction.