- Admonitions to the Righteous.
Chapter 94
1 “And now my children, I desire you to love righteousness, and to walk in it,
For the paths of righteousness are worthy of being received,
But the paths of iniquity shall suddenly be undone, and be diminished.
2 “The ways of oppression and death
Have been shewn to men distinguished in their generation,
But they keep far from them,
And follow them not.
3 “And now I declare to you, to the righteous,
Go not in the ways of wickedness and oppression,
Nor in the ways of death,
Come not nigh them, that you may not perish,
4 but desire,
And choose for yourselves righteousness,
And a pleasant life.
And go in the ways of peace,
That ye may live, and be found worthy.
5 “Retain my words in the thoughts of your hearts,
And destroy them not from your hearts.
“For I know that sinners cause men to execute wicked deceit.
They will not come to every place,
Nor is every consultation diminished by them.
- Woes for the Sinners.
6 “Woe to them who build up wickedness, and oppression,And who lay the foundation of deceit,For they shall be suddenly overthrown,And to them there shall be no peace.
7 “Woe to them who build up their houses with sin,For from their foundations they shall be overthrown,And they shall fall by the sword.And they who possess gold and silverGotten by injustice shall suddenly perish in judgment.
8 “Woe to you who are rich,For upon your riches you have confided,But from your riches you shall be removed,Because you have not remembered the Most HighIn the days of your riches.
9 “You have committed blasphemy, and wickedness,And are prepared for the day of the shedding of blood,To the day of darkness, and to the day of the great judgment.
10 “This I declare and point out to you,That he who created you will destroy you.And over your fall there will be no compassion,But your creator will rejoice at your destruction.
11 “And in those days your righteous shall beA disgrace to sinners and to the ungodly.”
- Enoch's Grief: fresh Woes against the Sinners.
Chapter 95
1 “Oh, that my eyes were clouds of water,That I might weep over you,And let my tears flow like a cloud of water,And rest from the sorrow of my heart.
2 “Who has permitted you to practise hatred and wickedness,The judgment shall extend to you, ye sinners?
3 “The righteous shall not be afraid before sinners,Because the Almighty again will bring them into your hands,That ye may take vengeance of them according to your pleasure.
4 “Woe unto you who are so execrable by execrations,That you cannot be set free,And the remedy is far from you by reason of your sins.
5 “Woe unto you who reward your neighbour with evil,For you shall be rewarded according to your works.
6 “Woe to you ye witnesses of falsehood,And those who declare unrighteousness,For you shall suddenly perish.
7 “Woe to you ye sinners,For you expel the righteous,For you receive or expel at pleasure those who work wickedness,And their yoke shall be heavy upon you.”
- Grounds of Hopefulness for the Righteous: Woes for the Wicked.
Chapter 96
1 “Wait in hope, ye righteous, for suddenly the sinners shall be destroyed before you,And you shall have dominion over them according to your will.
2 “In the day of the affliction of sinners your offspring shall be exalted,And lifted up like eagles,And your nest shall be higher than that of the vultures,You shall ascend and enter into the holes of the earth,And into the clefts of the rocks for ever,Like rabbits from the sight of the unrighteous.And they shall groan over you, and weep like sirens.
3 “And you shall not fear those who trouble you,For there shall be healing for you,A brilliant light shall shine around,And the voice of peace shall be heard from heaven.
4 “Woe to you ye sinners, for your riches make you like the righteous,But your hearts reproach you that you are sinners.This word shall be a witness against you for the remembrance of wickedness.
5 “Woe to you who feed upon the best of the wheat,And drink the strength of the root of the spring,And in your power tread down the humble.
6 Woe to you who drink water at pleasure,For suddenly you shall be rewarded,For ye shall be consumed, and withered,Because ye have forgotten the fountain of life.
7 “Woe to you, who practice wickedness, deceit, and blasphemy,There shall be a remembrance against you for the evil.
8 “Woe to you, ye mighty, who with your power strike down righteousness,For the day of your destruction shall come,But at that time, the time of your judgment,There shall be many and delightful days for the righteous.”
- The Evils in Store for Sinners and the Possessors of unrighteous Wealth.
Chapter 97
1 “The righteous are confident that sinners will be put to shame,And perish in the day of wickedness.
2 To you that shall be known,For the Most High will remember .your destruction,And over that destruction the angels will rejoice.
3 “What will ye do, ye sinners,And where will ye fly in the day of judgment,When you shall hear the words of the prayer of the righteous?
4 “And ye shall not be like them,Who shall be witness against you with these words,‘Ye were companions of sinners!’
5 “And in those days the prayers of the righteous shall come up before the Lord,And when the day of your judgment shall come,
6 And every word of your wickednessShall be declared before the great and holy One,Your faces shall be ashamed,When ye shall be rejected for every deed,Which is strong in wickedness.
7 “Woe to you, ye sinners,For in the middle of the sea, and on the dry land,There is an evil report against you.
8 “Woe to you,Who have in your possession silver and gold not obtained in righteousness,And say, ‘We are rich, have obtained wealth,And we have possession of all that we can desire.
9 And now we will do what we are inclined,For we have gathered silver, our barns are full,And the husbandmen of our household are like much water.’
10 “Your falsehood shall flow away like water,For your riches shall not remain,But shall suddenly ascend from you,Because ye have obtained it all in unrighteousness. You shall be appointed to extreme malediction.”