- The Deluge and the Deliverance of Noah.
Chapter 89
1 “And one of these four went to the white animals, and taught them a mystery, during which time the animal trembled, and it was born, and began to be a man, and built for himself a large ark, and in this he remained, and three animals remained with them in that ark, and there was a cover over them.
2 Again I lifted up my eyes to heaven, and saw a high roof and seven cataracts above it, which poured forth on a certain village much water.
3 And I looked again, and behold there were fountains open in the earth in that great village. And the water began to boil up, and to rise over the earth, and that village could not be seen, for all its ground was covered with water.
4 And there was much water over it, and darkness and clouds, and I saw the height of this water, and it was above the height of the village. And it overflowed the height of the village, and stood above all the earth.
5 And I saw that all the animals which had been gathered together in that village, were drowned, swallowed up, and destroyed in that water.
6 But the ark swam above the water; and all the animals, the elephants, the camels, and the asses were drowned upon the earth, and all cattle. And I could not see them again, for they were not able to get out, but went below, and sunk into the deep.
7 “And again I saw in the vision that the cataracts were removed from that high roof, the fountains of the earth were turned back, and other depths were opened.
8 And the water began to descend into these until the dry land appeared. The ark remained on the earth, the darkness was turned back, and it became light.
9 “Then the white animal which became a man went out of the ark, and the three animals with him. And one of the three animals was white like that animal, and one of them was red as blood, and one of them was black, and the white animal went away from them.
- From the Death of Noah to the Exodus.
10 “And wild beasts of the field, and birds began to bring forth. The different kinds of these gathered together, lions, tigers, dogs, wolves, wild boars, foxes, rabbits, and swine. And the siset, vultures, gledes, the phonkas, and ravens. And a white animal was born in the midst of them.
11 And they began to bite one another, and the white animal which was born in the midst of them, produced a wild ass, and a white animal with him, and after that many wild asses,
12 and the white animal which was born, brought forth a black wild boar, and a white sheep. That wild boar brought forth many swine. And that sheep brought forth twelve sheep.
13 When these twelve sheep were grown up, they delivered one of them to the asses. Again the asses delivered that sheep to the wolves. And he increased in the midst of the wolves.
14 And the Lord brought the eleven sheep, that they might dwell with him, and feed in the middle of the wolves. And they multiplied, and there was plenty of pasture for them.
15 “But the wolves began to frighten and oppress them, while they destroyed their young. And they cast their young into streams of deep water. And the sheep began to cry out on account of their young, and fled to their Lord,
16 and a sheep which went with the wolves, escaped, and went away to the wild asses. And I saw the sheep lament, and cry, and petition their Lord, With all their power, till at their call the Lord of the Sheep descended from his elevated mansion, and went to them, and beheld them.
17 And he called that sheep, who had secretly forsaken the wolves, and told him to declare to the wolves, that they were not to touch the sheep.
18 And that sheep went to the wolves with the word of the Lord, and another sheep met him, and went with him. They both together came to the dwelling of the wolves, and spake with them, and declared to them, that from thence forward they should not touch the sheep.
19 And afterward I saw that the wolves with all their power were very severe against the sheep, but they cried,
20 and their Lord came to the sheep. He began to strike the wolves, who began to lament, but the sheep were quiet, and from that time they cried no more.
21 “And I saw the sheep until they went out from the wolves, but the eyes of the wolves were blind for they went forth and followed the sheep with all their power,
22 but the Lord of the Sheep went with them, and conducted them. And all His sheep followed him. And His countenance was splendid and terrific, and His aspect was glorious.
23 Yet the wolves began to follow the sheep until they came near them in a sea of water.
24 Then that sea of water went back, the water stood hither and thither before their face. And while their Lord conducted them, He placed Himself between them and the wolves.
25 The wolves however saw not the sheep, but went into the midst of the sea of water, and they followed the sheep and ran after them in the sea of water.
26 But when they saw the Lord of the Sheep, they turned themselves to fly from before His face. Then the water of the sea turned again quickly, according to its nature, for it went forth, and rose up, until it covered the wolves.
27 And I saw that all the wolves perished, and were drowned, that followed the sheep.
- Israel in the Desert, the Giving of the Law, the Entrance into Palestine.
28 “But the sheep went away from this water, and tarried in a desert in which there was neither water or grass. And they began to open their eyes, and to see. And I saw that the Lord of the Sheep looked after them, and gave them water and grass. And that sheep continually went and led them.
29 “And when he had ascended up to the top of a lofty rock, the Lord of the Sheep sent him to them.
30 And after that I saw the Lord of the Sheep stand before them and His countenance was terrible and strong. And when all the sheep saw Him, they were afraid at his appearance.
31 They were all afraid and trembled before him, and they cried out to that sheep who had been with Him, and to the other who was in the midst of them, saying, ‘We are not able to stand before our Lord, or to look upon him.’
32 “Then that sheep who conducted them turned back, and ascended the top of that rock. But the sheep began to blind their eyes, and to turn from the path which he had shewn them, but he knew it not.
33 The Lord of the Sheep was moved with great indignation against them, and when that sheep had learned what was done, He descended from the top of the rock, and came to them, and found that there were a great number of them who had blinded their eyes, and had turned from his path.
34 And when they saw him they feared, and trembled at his presence, and desired to turn back to their fold.
35 Then that sheep took with him other sheep, and came to those who had turned back, And afterwards began to kill them, and they were afraid at his countenance, then he caused those who had gone away to return back, who went to their fold.
36 “And I also saw in my vision, that this sheep became a man, built a house for the Lord of the Sheep, and all the sheep stood in that house.
37 And I saw that the sheep died who went forth to meet the conductor of the sheep, and I saw that all the great sheep perished, and lesser ones rose up in their places, and came into a pasture, and drew near to a river of water.
38 Then that sheep who had conducted them, who became a man, was separated from them and died. All the sheep sought him, and cried over him with a great cry.
39 I also saw that they left off crying after that sheep, and went over the river of water. And there arose other sheep, all of whom conducted them, of the plant of those who were dead, and had conducted them.
- From the Time of the Judges till the Building of the Temple.
40 “Then I saw that the sheep came to a good place, and to a delightful and glorious land. I also saw that the sheep became satiated, that their house was in the middle of a delightful land,
41 that at times their eyes were opened, and at times hey were blind, until another sheep arose, and conducted them. He brought them all back, and their eyes were opened.
42 “Then dogs, foxes, and wild swine began to devour them, until another sheep arose, the lord of the flock, one of themselves, a ram to conduct them.
43 And this ram began to toss hither and thither those dogs, foxes, and wild swine, until they all perished.
44 But the former sheep opened his eyes, and saw the ram in the midst of the sheep who had laid aside his glory. And he began to push the sheep, and to tread on them, and to go on without honour.
45 Then the Lord of the Sheep sent the former sheep again to another, and raised him up to be a ram, to conduct the sheep instead of that sheep who had laid aside his glory.
46 Therefore he went to him, and talked to him alone, and raised up that ram, and made him a prince and a leader of the flock, all the time that the dogs troubled the sheep.
47 And the first ram persecuted the latter ram. Then the latter ram arose, and fled from before his face, and I saw that these dogs caused the first ram to fall.
48 But the latter ram arose, and conducted the smaller sheep. That ram also begat many sheep and died. Then there was a smaller sheep, a ram, in his place, who became a prince, and a conductor of the sheep.
49 “And these sheep increased, and multiplied. And all the dogs, foxes, and wild swine feared, and fled from him. And that ram also struck and killed all the wild beasts, so that they could not again come into the middle of the sheep, nor at any time take them away.
50 And that house was made great and wide, and a high tower was built upon that house by the sheep, for the Lord of the Sheep. The house was low, but the tower was elevated, and very high. And the Lord of the Sheep stood upon that tower, and they brought a full table before him.
- The Two Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, to the Destruction of Jerusalem.
51 “Again I saw that those sheep turned, and went many ways, and forsook that house of the Lord. And their Lord called to some in the midst of them, and sent them to the sheep. But the sheep began to kill them,
52 and when one of them was saved, and was not killed, he arose, and cried out against the sheep, who desired to kill him. But the Lord of the Sheep delivered him out of their hands, and caused him to ascend to him, still there to remain.
53 And he also sent many others to the sheep, to bear witness and to lament over them.
54 And I also saw that they forsook the house of the Lord of the Sheep, by reason of their turnings, and blinding their eyes. And I saw that the Lord of the Sheep made a great slaughter among them in their pasture, until the sheep cried out to him by reason of that slaughter, and he gave up the praise of that place,
55 and left them in the power of lions, tigers, wolves, and in the power of foxes, and of every beast of the field. And the wild beasts of the field began to tear the sheep.
56 And I also saw that he forsook the house of their fathers, and their tower, and gave them all into the power of lions, to tear and to devour them, and into the power of every beast.
57 “Then I began to cry with all my power, and cried to the Lord of the Sheep, and shewed that the sheep were devoured by all the beasts of the field.
58 But in silence he beheld it, and rejoiced because they were devoured, swallowed up, and carried away, and he left them in the power of the beasts for food.
59 “He called also seventy shepherds, and gave up to them the sheep, that they might overlook them. And he said to the shepherds, and to their servants, ‘From henceforth every one of you overlook the sheep, and do all that I command you,
60 and I will deliver them to you by number. And I will tell you which of them shall go down, these destroy.’ And he delivered to them the sheep.
61 “Then he called to another, and said, ‘Understand and see everything which the shepherds shall do to these sheep, for among them there shall many more perish than I have commanded.
62 And every excess and slaughter which the shepherds shall commit shall be written down, as, how many they have destroyed at my command, and how many they have destroyed of their own heads.
63 “‘And there shall be a written account of all the destruction by each of the shepherds, according to the number read before me, how many they have destroyed of their own heads, and how many they have delivered up to destruction, that I may have this testimony against them, that I may know all the deeds of the shepherds, and that delivering the sheep to them, I may see whether they will do according to my command, which I commanded them or not.
64 They shall not understand this, and thou shalt not make them to understand, neither shalt thou reprove them. But all the destruction of the shepherds every one in his time shall be written down, and brought to me.’
65 “And I saw that there was an inspection of the shepherds at that time. Then they began to kill, and to destroy more than was commanded. And they left the sheep in the power of the lions,
66 and the greatest part of them were devoured and swallowed up by lions and tigers, and wild boars destroyed them. They burnt that tower, and overthrew that house.
67 “And I was very sorrowful on account of the tower, and because the house of the sheep was overthrown. And afterwards I was not able to see that house.
First Period of the Angelic Rulers--from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Return from the Captivity.
68 And the shepherds and their servants gave these sheep to all the wild beasts, that they might devour them. And every one of them in his time and number was given up, and each of them one with another was described in a book, and how many of them one with another were destroyed, was described in a book.
69 But every shepherd killed, and destroyed more than was commanded. Then I began to weep, and was very angry on account of the sheep.
70 And I also saw in the vision him who wrote, how he wrote down one destroyed by the shepherds every day, and he ascended, remained, and shewed all his book to the Lord of the Sheep, containing all which they had done, and all which each of them had put away from them, and all which they had given up to destruction.
71 And the book was read before the Lord of the Sheep, for he took up the book in his hands, and read it, and sealed it, and placed it there.
- Second Period-from the time of Cyrus to that of Alexander the Great.
72 “After this I saw the conducting shepherds inspecting for twelve hours. And behold three of the sheep turned, and came, and went in, and began to build all that was fallen down of that house. But the boars of the field hindered them, but they prevailed not.
73 Again they began to build as before, and raised up that tower, which was called a high tower. And again they began to place before the tower a table, with every kind of bread thereon, which was impure and unclean.
74 Moreover the eyes of the sheep were blind, and they could not see, and the shepherds also were blind. And they were delivered up to the shepherds for the destruction of a great number, who trod the sheep under foot, and devoured them.
75 Yet the Lord was silent until all the sheep of the fields were diminished. The shepherds and the sheep were mixed together, but they delivered them not from the power of the beasts.
76 “Then he who wrote the book ascended, and shewed, and read it at the mansion of the Lord of the Sheep, and on their account he petitioned him, and prayed, and shewed all the deeds of the shepherds, and testified before him against them all.
77 “Then he took the book, and deposited it near him, and departed.”