- The Seven Mountains in the North-West and the Tree of Life.
Chapter 24
1 I went from there to another place and saw a mountain of fire flaming both by day and night.
2 I went towards it, and beheld seven splendid mountains, which were all different from each other. Their stones were brilliant and beautiful, all were brilliant and splendid to behold, and their surface was beautiful. Three were towards the east, and strengthened by being placed one upon another, and three were towards the south, strengthened in a similar manner, and there were deep valleys, which did not come near one another,
3 and the seventh mountain was in the midst of them. In position they were like the seat of a throne, and odoriferous trees surrounded them.
4 There was among them a tree of an unceasing smell, and there was none of all the sweet-scented trees which were in Eden like this in smell. For its leaf, its blossom, and its bark never withered, and its fruit was beautiful. Its fruit was like the clusters of the palm.
5 I exclaimed, “Behold, this tree is excellent in appearance, pleasant in its leaf, and the sight of its fruit is delightful to the eye.”
6 Then answered Michael, one of the holy and glorious angels who were with me and who presided over them,
Chapter 25
1 And said, “Enoch, why enquirest thou concerning the odour of this tree? Why art thou desirous to know it?”
2 Then I Enoch answered to him and said, “I am desirous of information concerning everything, but particularly concerning this tree.”
3 He answered me and said; “That mountain which thou seest, whose head in extension is like the seat of the Lord, will be the seat on which the Holy and Great Lord of Glory, the Everlasting King, shall sit when He shall come and descend to visit the earth with goodness.
4 And that tree of a pleasant smell, not one of carnal odour, they shall not be able to touch until the time of the great judgment, when all shall be punished and cast off forever.
5 This shall be appointed for the righteous and humble, and the fruit of this tree, the tree of life, shall be given to the elect. For towards the north, life shall be planted in the holy place, towards the habitation of the Everlasting King.
6 Then they shalt greatly rejoice and triumph in the Holy One, the sweet odour shall enter into their bones, and they shall live a long life on earth as thy ancestors have lived. Neither in their days shall sorrow, distress, trouble, and punishment afflict them.”
- Jerusalem and the Mountains, Ravines and Streams.
Chapter 26
1 I went from thence to the middle of the earth, and saw a happy and fruitful land, in which branches continually germinated from the trees which were planted thereon.
2 There I saw a holy mountain, and beneath it water on the eastern side, which flowed towards the south.
3 I saw also on the east side another mountain as high as that, and there were deep but not wide valleys between them. Water ran towards the mountain to the west of this.
4 And beneath them there was also another mountain. There was a valley but not wide below it. And in the midst of them there were other deep and dry valleys towards the ends of the three.
5 And all these valleys which were deep, but not wide, consisted of a strong rock, and a tree which was planted on them.
6 And I wondered at the rock and valleys, and was much surprised.
- The Purpose of the Accursed Valley.
Chapter 27
1 Then I said, “What signifies this blessed land, all these lofty trees, and the accursed valley between them?”
2 Then Uriel, one of the holy angels who were with me answered, “This is the accursed valley of the accursed for ever. Here shall be gathered together all who with their mouths have spoken unseemly words against God, and have said disagreeable things of His glory. Here they shall be gathered together. Here shall be their land.
3 In the latter days, an example shall be made of them in the judgment of righteousness, before the Holy One, while those who have received mercy shall forever all their days praise God the Everlasting King.
4 And at the time of the judgment they shall praise Him for his mercy as He has given it to them.
5 Then I praised God, and turned myself to Him, and mentioned His greatness as it was right for me.