- The Valley of Judgement: the Angels of Punishment: the Communities of the Elect One.
Chapter 55
1 Afterwards the Creator of Days repented, and said, “In vain I have destroyed all the inhabitants of the earth.”
2 And He sware by His great name, “Henceforth I will not do this towards all those who dwell on earth. But I will place a sign in the heavens, and it shall be a fidelity between me and them for ever, so long as the days of heaven and earth continue upon the earth.
3 “Afterwards, conformable to this my decree, when I shall be disposed to take them unexpectedly by the operation of angels. In the days of affliction and trouble, my wrath and my punishment shall continue upon them, my punishment and my wrath,” saith the Lord of Spirits,
4 “Oh ye kings, Oh ye mighty, who inhabit the world, ye shall see my Elect One sitting on the throne of my glory, and He shall judge Azaziel, all his confederates, and all his armies, in the name of the Lord of Spirits.”
- Last struggle of heathen Powers against Israel.
Chapter 56
1 There also I saw multitudes of angels, who were moving in punishment, shut up in a network of iron and brass.
2 Then I enquired of the angel of peace, who went with me, to whom those under confinement were going.
3 He said, “To each of their chosen and their beloved, that they may be cast into the fountains and deep glens of the valley.
4 “And that valley shall be filled with their chosen and beloved.The days of whose life shall be terminated,but the days of their failure shall be innumerable.
5 “Then princes shall combine together, and conspire.The chiefs of the east among the Parthians and MedeaShall dethrone kings,In whom a spirit of amazement shall enter,They shall tumble them from their thrones,Springing as lions out of the thickets,And like hungry wolves into the middle of the flock.
6 “They shall go up, and tread upon the land of their chosen,Which shall be before them,But the threshing floor, the path,
7 And the city of my righteous people shall obstruct their horses.“They shall rise up to destroy each other,Their right hand shall be strengthened,And a man shall not acknowledge his friend or his brother,Nor the son his father and mother,“Until the number of the dead bodies shall be fullBy their death and punishment,And this shall not be done without reason.
8 “In those days the mouth of hell shall be opened,Into which they shall be thrust,Hell shall destroy and swallow up sinners from the face of the elect.”
- The Return from the Dispersion.
Chapter 57
1 After this I saw another army of chariots, which conveyed men, And they came upon the wind from the east, and from the west, and from the south.
2 The sound of the noise of their chariots was heard. And when that agitation began, the saints of heaven perceived it. The pillar of the earth was shaken from its foundation, and the sound was heard from the ends of the earth unto the ends of heaven at the same time.
3 Then the saints all fell down, and worshipped the Lord of Spirits.This is the end of the second parable.