- Enoch's Book of Admonition for his Children.
Chapter 91
1 “And now my son Mathusala, call to me all thy brethren,
And gather to me all the children of thy mother,
For a voice calls me,
And the spirit is poured out upon me,
That I may shew you everything
Which shall happen to you forever.”
2 Then Mathusala went and called to him all his brethren, and gathered together all his relations.
3 And he spake to all his children in truth. Enoch said:
“Hear my children every word of your father,
And listen in uprightness to the voice of my mouth,
For I would gain your attention, while to you I speak, my beloved.
4 “Love integrity, and walk in it.
Approach not integrity with a double heart,
And join not yourselves with those who are double hearted.
“But my children walk in righteousness,
Which will conduct you in good paths,
And let truth be your companion.
5 “For I know that the state of oppression will be powerful on earth,
And that it will be terminated by a great punishment on the earth,
And there shall be an end of all unrighteousness
“Which shall be cut off from its root,
And all its fabric shall pass away.
6 “But unrighteousness shall be renewed again,And stand forth upon the earth,For every work of unrighteousness,And every work of oppression, and crime,Shall be taken hold of a second time.
7 “Therefore when unrighteousness, sin, blasphemy, oppression,And every evil work shall increase,And also when transgression, impiety, and uncleanness shall increase,Then upon them all there shall be inflicted a great punishment from heaven.The holy Lord will go forth with wrath, and with punishment,That he may execute judgment on the earth.
8 “In those days oppression shall be cut off from its roots,And the roots of iniquity together with fraudShall be rooted out from under heaven.
9 “Every place of strength with its multitude shall be given up,And shall be burnt with fire.And they shall be brought from all the earth,And be cast into a judgment of fire,Snd they shall perish in wrath,And by a powerful judgment for ever.
10 “And the righteous shall be raised up from slumbers,And wisdom shall be raised up, and shall be given to them.
11 “Then the roots of wickedness shall be cut off, and sinners shall perish by the sword, and blasphemers in every part shall be destroyed. Those who meditate oppression, and those who blaspheme shall perish by the sword.
12 “And afterwards there shall be another week, the eighth of righteousness,In which a sword shall be given to execute judgment and justice on all oppressors.And sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
13 And in its accomplishment they shall obtain habitations by their righteousness,And the house of the great King shall be built up for ever.
14 “And after that, in the ninth week,The judgment of righteousness shall be revealed to the whole world.And all the works of the ungodly shall vanish away from all the earth,The destruction of the world shall be appointed,And all men shall look out for the way of righteousness.
15 “And after this on the seventh day of the tenth week,There shall be an everlasting judgment,Which shall be executed upon the Watchers,And an extensive heaven shall spring forth in the middle of the angels,Which shall remain for evermore.
16 The former heaven shall depart and pass away,A new heaven shall appear,And all the heavenly powers shall shine with sevenfold splendor for ever.
17 “And afterwards there shall be weeks without number,Which shall exist in goodness and in righteousness for evermore.And from that time sin shall not be mentioned there for ever and ever.
18 “And now my children,I will describe and shew to you the way of righteousness,And the way of oppression.I will again point them out to you,That ye may know what is to come.
19 And now hear my children and walk in the way of righteousness,But go not in the way of oppression,For all who walk in the ways of iniquity shall perish forever.”
Chapter 92
1 That was written by Enoch. He wrote all his instruction of wisdom for every man of renown, and for every judge of the earth, for all his children who shall dwell on the earth, and for succeeding generations who shall work righteousness and peace.
2 Let not your spirit be sorrowful by reason of the times,For the holy, the Great One has given days to all.
3 Enoch then began to instruct from a book, and said:“I have been born the seventh in the first week,So long as judgment and righteousness were with patience.
4 For there shall be mercy for the righteous man,Integrity and power shall be given to him for ever,He shall exist in goodness and in righteousness,And shall walk in everlasting light,
5 But sin shall perish in eternal darkness,And from this time forward shall be seen no more forever.
- The Apocalypse of Weeks.
Chapter 93
1 After this, Enoch began to instruct from a book.
2 And Enoch said:“Concerning the children of righteousness, concerning the elect of the world,And concerning the plant of righteousness and integrityConcerning these things I will speak,And declare to you my children, I who am Enoch.“By reason of that which has appeared to me in my heavenly visions,And from the voice of the holy angels I have obtained knowledge,And from the tablet of heaven I have obtained understanding.
3 Let the righteous man arise from slumber,Let him arise and walk in the ways of righteousness,And let his ways and his goings be in goodness and eternal clemency,
4 But after me in the second week,Great wickedness shall arise, and deceit shall shoot forth.In that week will be the end of the first,In which mankind will be safe.“But when the second is completed,Wickedness shall increase.And in the third week he shall execute the decree upon sinners.
5 “Afterwards in the accomplishment of the third weekA man for a plant of the judgment of righteousness shall be chosen,And after him the plant of righteousness shall come for ever.
6 “Afterwards in the accomplishment of the fourth week,The visions of the holy and the righteous shall be seen,And the law from generation to generation,And a tabernacle shall be made for them.
7 “And after this in the accomplishment of the fifth week,The house of glory and dominion shall be erected for ever.
8 “After that in the sixth week,All who are in it shall be darkened,And the hearts of them all will forget wisdom,And in it a man shall ascend to heaven.And in its accomplishment the house of dominion shall be burnt with fire,And in the same the whole generation of the elect root shall be dispersed.
9 “Afterwards, in the seventh week,A perverse generation shall arise,Its deeds shall be many,And all its deeds perverse.
10 “But in its accomplishmentThe righteous chosen from the plants of eternal righteousnessShall be rewarded,And to them shall be given sevenfold instruction concerning all his creation.
11 “And who is there of all the children of men, who is able to hear the voice of the Holy One, and not to be agitated? And who is there that is able to think his thoughts? Who is able to behold all the work of the beautiful heavens?
- The Last Three Weeks.
12 And who is there that can understand the deeds of heaven? He may behold its animation, but not its spirit. And he may be able to speak about it, but he cannot ascend to it. And he may see the boundaries of these things, and consider them, but he can make nothing like them.
13 And who is there among all men who is able to understand the breadth and length of the earth?
14 And by whom hath the greatness of all these things been shewn? Is it every man who is able to know the extent of heaven, and find out its elevation, and whereon it is made to remain? And how great is the number of the stars? And where is the rest of the lights of heaven?”