- The Fount of Righteousness; the Son of Man--the Stay of the Righteous: Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty.
Chapter 48
1 In that place I saw a fountain of righteousness,Which had no scarcity,Surrounded by many springs of wisdom.And of these all the thirsty drank,And were filled with wisdom,And had their dwelling with the Righteous, the Elect, and the Holy One.
2 In that hour this Son of Man was invokedBefore the Lord of Spirits,And His name in the presence of the Creator of Days.
3 Before the sun and the signs were created,Before the stars of heaven were formed,His name was invoked in the presence of the Lord of Spirits.
4 He shall be a support for the righteous and holy to lean upon without falling,And He shall be the light of nations.He shall be the hope of those whose hearts are in trouble.
5 All who dwell on earth shall fall down and worship before Him,Shall praise and glorify Him,And sing hymns of praise to the name of the Lord of Spirits.
6 Therefore the Elect and the Concealed One existed in His presence,Before the world was created and for ever.
7 And in His presence He has revealed to the saints and to the righteousThe wisdom of the Lord of Spirits,For He has preserved the lot of the righteous,Because they have hated, and forsaken this world of wickedness,And have abhorred all its works and ways in the name of the Lord of Spirits.For in His name they shall be saved,And His will shall be their life.
8 In those days the kings of the earth,And the mighty men who have gained the world by the work of their hands,Shall be lowly in appearance.For in the day of their anguish and commotion, their souls shall not be saved,
9 And they shall be in the hands of those whom I have chosen.I will cast them like hay into the fire,And like lead into the water,Thus they shall burn in the presence of the righteous,And sink in the presence of the holy,And a tenth part of them shall not be found.
10 But in the day of their affliction the world shall obtain repose.They shall fall in His presence,And not be raised up again,For there shall be none to take them out of His hands,And to lift them up for they have denied the Lord of Spirits and His Messiah.The name of the Lord of Spirits shall be praised
Chapter 49
- The Fount of Righteousness; the Son of Man--the Stay of the Righteous: Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty.
1 Wisdom is poured forth like water,And glory fails not before Him for ever and ever,
2 For He is powerful in all the secrets of righteousness. But wickedness vanishes away like a shadow, and has no fixed station, for the Elect One stands before the Lord of Spirits,And His glory is for ever and ever,And His power from generation to generation.
3 With Him dwell the spirit of intelligent wisdom,The spirit of understanding and of power,And the spirits of those who sleep in righteousness.
4 and He shall judge secret things.And none shall be able to stand to speak a single word before Him,For the Elect One is in the presence of the Lord of Spirits,According to His own pleasure.
- The Glorification and Victory of the Righteous: the Repentance of the Gentiles.
Chapter 50
1 In those days the saints and the chosen shall suffer a change,The light of day shall rest upon them,And the splendour and glory of the saints shall be changed.
2 In the day of tribulation evil shall be heaped upon sinners,But the righteous shall rejoice in the name of the Lord of Spirits.It will be shewn to others,That they must repent and forsake the works of their hands,
3 And that honour attends them not in the presence of the Lord of Spirits,Yet that they may be saved by His name,The Lord of Spirits will have compassion on them,For His mercy is great,
4 And righteousness is in His judgment,And in the presence of His glory,And in His judgment unrighteousness shall not stand;He who repents not before Him shall perish.
5 “Henceforth I will not have mercy on the wicked,” saith the Lord of Spirits.
- The Resurrection of the Dead, and the Separation by the Judge of the Righteous and the Wicked.
Chapter 51
1 In those days the earth shall give up from her womb,And the subterranean world give up from hers what it contains,And the abyss shall give again that which it is indebted.
2 He shall separate the righteous and holy from among themFor the day of their redemption has appeared.
3 And in those days the Elect One shall sit upon His throne,While every secret of instructing wisdom shall come forth out of His mouth,For the Lord of Spirits has endowed and glorified him.
4 In those days the mountains shall skip like rams,And the hills shall hop like young sheep satisfied with milk,And all the righteous shall become angels in heaven.Their faces shall shine with joy.
5 For in those days the Elect One shall be exalted,The earth shall rejoice,The righteous shall inhabit it,And the elect go and walk upon it.