The Third Parable (Continued)
- Enoch foretells to Noah the Deluge and his own Preservation.
Chapter 65
1 In those days Noah saw that the earth was bent down, and that destruction was near.
2 Then he lifted up his feet from there, and went to the ends of the earth, to the dwelling of his great grandfather Enoch. And Noah cried with a mournful voice, “Hear me! Hear me! Hear me!” three times.
3 And he said to him, “Tell me what is doing on the earth, for the earth weakens, and is violently shaken; surely I shall perish with it.”
4 After this there was a great disturbance on earth, and a voice was heard from heaven, I fell upon my face.
5 When my great-grandfather, Enoch came and drew near to me, he said to me, “Wherefore criest thou out to me with a mournful cry and lamentation?
6 A commandment has gone forth from the Lord against those who dwell on the earth, that their end may be, for they know every secret of the angels, and every oppression of the devils, and all their secret power, and the power of those who commit sorcery, and the power of binding, and the power of those who pour forth molten images over all the earth.
7 They know how silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how the drop increases under the earth,
8 for lead and tin are not produced from the earth, as if that were the first fountain from which they are produced. There is an angel stands thereon; and that angel comes forth.”
9 Afterwards my great-grandfather Enoch held me with his hand, and said, “Go, for I have asked the Lord of Spirits concerning this disturbance of the earth;
10 and he said to me on account of their wickedness, innumerable judgments have been consummated before me. They have enquired of me concerning the moons, and they know that the earth with those who dwell upon it shall perish,
11 and for these there will be no refuge for ever. They have disclosed secrets, and they are those who have been judged. But not thou my son, for the Lord of Spirits knows that thou art pure and good, free from the blame of disclosing secrets.
12 He, the Holy One, has established thy name in the midst of the saints,And will save thee from those who dwell on the earth,And he has established thy seed in righteousness to a king and great glory.And from thy seed shall go forth a spring of righteous and holy men without number for ever.”
- The Angels of the Waters bidden to hold them in Check.
Chapter 66
1 After this he shewed me the angels of punishment, who were ready to come, and to open all the power of waters under the earth. That they may be for judgment, and for the destruction of all those who live together and dwell upon the earth.
2 And the Lord of Spirits commanded those angels who were to go forth, not to take up the men and save them. For these angels were over all the power of water.
3 Then I went away from the presence of Enoch.
- God's Promise to Noah: Places of Punishment of the Angels and of the Kings.
Chapter 67
1 In those days the voice of the Great Ruler came to me, and He said to me, “Noah, behold thy portion has ascended up to me, a portion wherein there is no blame, a portion of love, and of justice.
2 “And now the angel shall prepare the places shut up. But when they shall proceed to this business, I will put my hand upon it, and save it. The seed of life shall be from this, and a change shall come, that the dry land may not remain empty.
3 I will establish thy seed before me for ever and ever, and the seed of those who shall dwell with thee on the surface of the earth shall never be destroyed from the surface of the earth, and it shall be blessed and multiplied through the earth in the name of the Lord.
4 “And they shall confine those angels who disclosed impiety in that burning valley, which at first my great-grandfather Enoch shewed me in the west, where there were mountains of gold, and silver, and iron, and fluid metal, and tin.
5 I saw that valley in which there was great disturbance, and the waters were troubled.
6 And when all this was done, from the flowing of the fire, and the disturbance which troubled then in that place, there was produced a smell of brimstone, which mixed with these waters, and the valley of the angels who seduced others, burned beneath that earth.
7 And rivers of fire flowed through that valley, to which those angels shall be condemned, who seduced the inhabitants of the earth.
8 “And in those days the waters shall be to kings, to the mighty, and the elevated, and to the inhabitants of the earth, for the healing of the soul and body, and for the judgment of the spirit. Their spirits shall be filled with sport, that they may be judged in their bodies, because they have denied the Lord of Spirits, and they shall see their judgment every day, yet they acknowledge not His name.
9 And as the ardour of their bodies shall be great, there shall be an alteration in their spirits for ever and ever. For no word which is spoken before the Lord of Spirits shall be in vain.
10 Judgment shall come upon them, because they trusted in the sport of their bodies, and denied the Lord of Spirits.
11 “And in those days these waters shall suffer a change, for when the angels shall be judged, in those days the heat of these springs of water will be altered. And when the angels shall ascend, the water of these springs will be changed, and be frozen.”
12 Then I heard holy Michael answer and say, “This judgment with which the angels shall be judged, is a witness against the kings, the mighty, and those who possess the earth,
13 for these waters of judgment shall be for the healing of the angels, and the death of their bodies, but they shall not see, and not believe, that the waters will be changed, and become a fire, which shall burn for ever.”