Book 4
Concerning the visions of the prophet Daniel1
Chapter 1
Daniel’s vision of the four beasts
1. “In the first year of Belshazzar king of the Chaldeans, Daniel saw a dream and the visions of his head were while he was upon his bed, and he wrote down the vision.”2
2. And so as much as was revealed by the Spirit through visions to the blessed prophet, these things also he ungrudgingly3 described to others, so that he might not only, while prophesying the things which are to come, reveal them to himself, but also that it may be demonstrated to those who wish with faith to search the godly writings of the prophet.
3. In all events he says, “I, Daniel, was looking, and behold, four winds of heaven were blowing upon the Great Sea, and four great beasts arose from the sea differing from one another. The first was a lioness and feathers were upon it as an eagle. I was looking until its feathers were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and it stood upon human feet and a heart of a man was given to it. And behold, a second beast was like a bear and it stood on one side and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth and they were speaking in this way to it, ‘Rise, eat much flesh.’ After this I was looking, and behold, there was another beast like a leopard and four wings4 of a bird were upon it and four heads were on the beast, and authority was given to it. After this I was looking, and behold, a fourth beast fearful and terrible and exceedingly strong. Its teeth were iron and its nails bronze, and it was eating and grinding and the remainder it trampled with its feet. And it itself was exceedingly different from all the beasts which were before it, and there were ten horns on it. I was observing its horns, and behold, another smaller horn rose up in the midst of them and three horns which were before it were rooted out from its face. And behold, eyes as eyes of the man were on this horn and a mouth speaking great things. I was looking until thrones were set and the Ancient of Days sat and his clothes were white as snow and the hair of his head
was as pure wool. His throne was a flame of fire, its1 wheels blazing fire. A river of fire gushed2 from before it. A thousand thousands attended him and myriad myriads stood before him. He set out judgment and the books were opened. Then I was looking at3 the voice of great words which that horn spoke, until the beast was killed4 and its body was destroyed and given to the burning of fire. And the dominion of the rest of the beasts ceased, and a length of life was given to them for a time.”5
1 Lit: Concerning a vision of the Prophet Daniel
2 Daniel 7:1
3 Or: plentifully
4 Lit: to it were four wings
1 Or: his
2 Lit: derived
3 Lit: from
4 Or: taken away
5 Daniel 7:2-12
Chapter 2
1. And so when the different beast was shown to the blessed prophet Daniel and it was shown that it differed from the others, it is necessary for us to consider that he does not discuss6 any7 of the beasts as mere animals, but in a model and image he portrays the kingdoms which have arisen in this world, just as he portrays the beasts destroying humanity.
2. For the Great Sea indicates the whole world, he says; “The four winds of heaven,”8 which signal the fourfold creation.
3. And so when he says, “I saw four beasts rising from the sea,”1 he speaks concerning the kingdoms of this world.
4. “The first was a lioness and feathers were upon it as an eagle.”2 And so he, while speaking, names a lioness as the kingdom of the Babylonians which Nebuchadnezzar then ruled.
5. Then he says, “feathers were upon it as an eagle,”3 because the king was lifted up and raised up against God, being puffed up4 in heart on account of the greatness and glory which came to him.
6. Then he says, “Its feathers were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and it stood upon human feet and a heart of a man was given to it.”5
7. For this really happened to Nebuchadnezzar, just as has been indicated in the book before this book, and he himself testifies in this way about that which happened to him, as he was banished from his kingdom and his glory was taken away and so was the majesty which he procured at first.
8. And so just as he says to strip the feathers of the whole bird, he is powerless and is easily caught, and in this way at that time the powers of the king were removed through which he imagined to boast and to be high-minded, but6 then was afraid and fled into the desert, so that he may not be killed by them.
9. When Scripture says, “It stood upon human feet and a heart of a man was given to it,”7 it is clear that Nebuchadnezzar, having humbled himself and recognized that he is a man lying under the authority of God, he, after begging the Lord, obtained from him a good heart, and again his kingdom and glory were reestablished.
10. Just as he himself testifies saying, “And after the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven and my wits returned to me and I blessed the Most High and praised and glorified him that lives forever, because his authority is an eternal authority and his kingdom is from generation to generation and all who dwell upon the earth are reckoned as nothing and they are as nothing.”1
6 Or: examine
7 Or: some
8 Daniel 7:2
1 Daniel 7:3
2 Daniel 7:4
3 Daniel 7:4
4 Or: naturally inveterate
5 Daniel 7:4
6 Lit: whom he
7 Daniel 7:4
Chapter 3
1. While these things were then happening in this way to Nebuchadnezzar in those times, just as the blessed Daniel disclosed to us in the vision, the king himself likewise confessed it, and after he died2, the office came to Belshazzar. When he himself, on account of the deed which he did at night, was taken away, as has been indicated in the book before this book, then Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being sixty two years old. So suitably the prophet describes another beast rising, which was the bear, so that in this he may display the kingdom of the Persians.
2. He says, “Three ribs were in its mouth.”3 He calls three ribs the three regions of nations, which the same beast ruled, which were Medes, Assyrians, and Babylonians.
3. “And that they were speaking in this way to it, ‘Rise, eat much flesh.’”4 For then in those times the Persians rose up and laid waste to all the land and made many of the men their slaves, and they utterly destroyed everything.
4. For just as the beast, the bear is a sordid and flesh-eating creature, tearing with both its claws and teeth, in this way also the kingdom of the Persians became, which presided for two hundred and thirty years.
5. Some of the historians recorded that these ruled two hundred forty-five years until Darius the chief, whom Alexander of Macedon deposed in the seventh year and transferred the kingdom of the Persians to the Greeks. Just as also Daniel says, “After this I was looking, and behold, another beast like a leopard and four wings1 of a bird were upon it and four heads were on the beast, and authority was given to it.”2
6. And so having named a leopard, he signals the kingdom of the Greeks, which Alexander of Macedon began, and he compares them to a leopard on account of them being sharp in mind and resourceful in reasoning and relentless in heart, in which manner also the spotted creature is the model3 of the kingdom of the Greeks, quick to do evil and quick to drink the blood of men.
7. He says, “Four wings of a bird were upon it and four heads were on the beast.”4 For after the
kingdom of Alexander was lifted up and grew in strength and was named in all the world, his kingdom was divided to his four chiefs.
8. For while dying, Alexander distributed it to his companions who were of his race, four men, Seleucus, Demetrius, Ptolemy, and Philip, and these all put on crowns5, just as Daniel predicts and was recorded in the first book of the Maccabees.6
1 Daniel 4:34-35
2 Lit: ceased
3 Daniel 7:5
4 Daniel 7:5
1 Lit: to it were four wings
2 Daniel 7:6
3 Lit: form, appearance
4 Daniel 7:6
5 Lit: diadems
6 1 Maccabees 1:9
Chapter 4
1. And so after the Greeks ruled for three hundred years, the prophet signals to me again another
2. For he spoke in this way, “After this I was looking, and behold, a fourth beast fearful and terrible and exceedingly strong. Its teeth were iron and its nails bronze, and it was eating and grinding and the remainder it trampled with its feet. And it itself was exceedingly different from all the beasts which were before it, and there were ten horns on it. I was observing its horns, and behold, another smaller horn rose up in the midst of them and three horns which were before it were rooted out from its face. And behold, eyes as eyes of the man were on this horn and a mouth speaking great things. I was looking until thrones were set and the Ancient of Days sat and his clothes were white as snow and the hair of his head
were as pure wool. His throne was a flame of fire, its1 wheels blazing fire. A river of fire gushed2 from before it. Thousand thousands attended him and myriad myriads stood before him. He set out judgment and the books were opened. Then I was looking at3 a voice of great words which that horn spoke, until the beast was killed4 and his body was destroyed and given to the burning of fire. And the dominion of the rest of the beasts ceased, and a length of life was given to them for a time.”5
1 Or: his
2 Lit: derived
3 Lit: from
4 Or: taken away
5 Daniel 7:7-12
Chapter 5
1. And so,6 after the kingdom of the Greeks, a kingdom arose none other than that which now rules which has also been established and this is clear to all.
2. Which has iron teeth on account of the fact that it overpowers all and grinds with its own strength, just like iron, it tramples the remainder with its feet. On account of which another kingdom is no longer left7 after this one, except its ten horns which grow up from it and in the midst of them one small horn arises and it roots out three of the first horns.
3. For just as the prophet foretold the leopard, that “four heads were on the beast,”8 it happened that also the kingdom of Alexander was divided to the four chiefs, in this way it is necessary to also expect now that ten horns shall arise from this kingdom, whenever the time of the beast should be fulfilled and the small horn, which is the Antichrist, suddenly should show forth among them, and righteousness
should be taken from the earth and all the world will then be near the consummation.
4. So that it is necessary for us to not misconceive1 the plan of God, but to be long-suffering and to beg that we may not fall upon such times, nor indeed lack faith2, as though these these things are not destined to be.
5. For if the first things, as much as the prophets foretold, did not happen, neither should you expect these. But if those things happened according to their own times just as was foretold, these things also shall be always accomplished.
6. For when some say, “And when will these things be?” This is a mark of unfaithful men who do not believe. But to foreknow what will be and to believe that it will be in this way, is a mark of a blessed man who sees3 and is silent, so that that he may not, when he is speaking many things, endanger himself.4
6 Lit: And so because
7 Lit: does not remain
8 Daniel 7:6
1 Or: prejudge προλαµβάνειν
2 Or: οὔτε µὴν ἀπιστεῖν
3 Or: knows
4 Or: others
Chapter 6
1. But let us also demonstrate in another way that these things are true and clear and happen to the slaves of God.
2. For Scripture does not lie in any way, nor does the Holy Spirit deceive his slaves the prophets, through whom he is well pleased to announce the plan of God to men, so that seeing these things happen, we might not fall, nor be troubled as beholding these strange things.
3. For otherwise the consummation is not able to come upon this world except in this way.
4. For just as upon Sodom when their transgressions were fulfilled, immediately fire descended upon them and they were destroyed, in this way it will be even now, when lawlessness multiplies in the world and the present iron beast is divided into ten horns and anarchy occurs and discord, while others from here and there rend the kingdom, then the end shall come upon them.
Chapter 7
1. And so since we, having also reached this point in another book and explained an account concerning these things, both the advent of the Antichrist and his race, and from where and how the deceiver shall appear, and we were not silent about his works, nevertheless also now I will mention this only a little, so that a man may steadfastly stand against all things, not ever1 stammering in mind, and be able to believe in God from a whole heart.
2. For the blessed Daniel, explaining the previous vision to Nebuchadnezzar, says, “I now speak concerning the dream of the image, which shows forth to be a golden head, then hands and arms and a silver chest, next a bronze stomach and thighs, then iron legs, next feet, in them part are iron and part
are clay,”2 so that in this it may be shown what he described is now described again in this3 vision.
3. As the gold is the kingdom of the Babylonians, which was the lioness, the silver that of the Persians, which was the bear, next the bronze that of the Greeks, which Alexander of Macedon began4, so that it may be shown as the leopard.
4. After these things he says, “iron legs”, so that he may signal the fearful and terrible beast, which has iron teeth, which are the Romans who rule now, who are strong as iron.
5. In all events after the iron legs of the image, what remains, except the feet in which are ten toes and these being mixed with clay and iron, so that through the ten toes the ten horns may be signaled, and through the clay and iron, their discord may be signaled, when they shall be commingled in the seed of men, but they shall not be united with one another.1
6. For just as iron is not mixed with clay, in this way at that time men will not be able to agree with one another, but others from here and there shall carry disorder2 and divide the royal kingdom to themselves according to their nation.
1 Lit: and in nothing
2 Not a direct quote but refers to Daniel 2:31-33
3 Lit: his
4 Or: ruled
1 Lit: one with the other
2 Lit: disorderly carrying
Chapter 8
1. But since the grace of God richly teaches those who hope on him and who despise this world, we shall not pass over this. In a word, the blessed prophet named all kingdoms which were before, having likened them to beasts, but he did not declare the kingdom which now is instituted, as in what sort of animal3 it was.
2. I will speak more clearly concerning it, so that one may better consider what has been stated. For after he was saying that the kingdom of the Babylonians was a lion and that of the Persians a bear and
that of the Greeks a leopard, why does he not say that the kingdom of the Romans was an animal4, but he says it was “fearful and exceedingly terrible, its teeth were iron and its claws bronze,”?5
3. Consider, O man, and glorify the Lord.
4. For when the Babylonians ruled as one nation6, they themselves then in those times resolved to rule all nations, he righteously names them as a lioness, as a creature of one form7.
5. Similarly also the Persians are one sordid nation, which only spoke with the one tongue1. On account of this he likened them also to a bear.
6. Likewise also the Greeks he said were a leopard. For all the Greeks were ruling all the world.
7. But now the powerful beast is not one nation, but it is of many tongues and it gathers to itself from many races of men and prepares an army in a line of battle, and all are called Romans, though all are not from one country.
8. So that the prophet was rightly amazed and foreseeing what was to come, he did not name from what country the beast was from, but he was amazed, saying, “My spirit shuddered in my being, I Daniel, and the visions of my head confused me. And one of those who stood came forth and sought precisely from him concerning all these things. And he said to me the certainty and made known to me the interpretation of the words.”2
9. And so, who are those who stand but the angels who stand before the face of the glory of the Lord and furnish a constant ministry to him, always attending to what has been commanded by him?
3 Lit: beast
4 Lit: beast
5 Daniel 7:7
6 Or: ruled one nation
7 ὡς ζῷον µονοειδές
1 Or: language
2 Daniel 7:15-16
Chapter 9
1. But since a certain thought gnaws at the heart,3 we shall not abandon the indescribable itself, which is able to aid a soul.
2. For when in the forty-second year of Caesar Augustus the Lord was born, when the kingdom of the
Romans flourished, the Lord, through the apostles, summoned all nations and all tongues and made a nation of Christians who believe in the Lord and who carry a new name in heart, in the same manner this kingdom now4 is counterfeited5 by that which rules according to the operation of Satan, but similarly this kingdom also collects those born from all nations and prepares those who are called Romans for war.1
3. And on account of this also the first census happened under Augustus, when the Lord was born in Bethlehem, so that the men of this world, being registered in the earthly kingdom, were called Romans, but those who believe in the heavenly kingdom were named Christians, who on their forehead carry the trophy2 against death to the front line.
3 ἀλλ’ ἐπεὶ ὑπέπεσέν τι νόηµα ἐν καρδίᾳ
4 Or: the kingdom which is now
5 Lit: anti-imitated
1 Lit: prepares for war being called these Romans.
2 Or: monument
Chapter 10
1. So that we may not turn aside from what is set before, so that what was seen by the prophet may be shown as true and so that what was perceived by us in the grace of the Lord and what was spoken may be sure, let us see if the angel confirms our words, who teaches the blessed Daniel, for he speaks in this way, “These four beasts are four kingdoms which shall arise upon the earth, and which shall be removed, and the saints of the most high shall inherit3 the kingdom and possess it forever and ever.”4
2. And so it is necessary for the three beasts to have already passed away and to have ceased, just as was shown above, and while one beast is yet beginning to culminate5, if this also is removed, the remaining6 earthly things cease, but the heavenly things begin, so that the perpetual and eternal kingdom of the saints may be shown and the heavenly kingdom may be clearly displayed to all, neither through a form as seen on the mountain of Sinai, nor in a pillar of cloud as revealed on the mountain peak, but with powers and armies of angels, incarnate God and man7, son of God and of Man, the judge who is coming from the heavens into the world.
3. Who shall remove all kingdoms which are in this world and shall thresh and shall winnow and shall scatter them as chaff from the summer threshing floor. And shall give the kingdom to the saints of the Most High as he collects grain for his barn, but the chaff heap he burns with unquenchable fire, though now he is despised by the godless and impious, and blasphemed by the unbelievers, who do not
consider what is written, nor consider the authority of judgment laid1 upon them.2
4. For though he now also delays for a time, not wishing to bear judgment to the world, and so fulfills the prescription of his Father, but when he comes he will come with his armies and render to each according to his works.
3 Or: receive or take
4 Daniel 7:17-18
5 Or: and when one beast is reaching its height καὶ τοῦ ἑνὸς ἔτι ἀκµὴν ἐνεστῶτος
6 Or: in the future the earthly things cease
7 ἔνσαρκος δὲ θεὸς καὶ ἄνθρωπος
1 Lit: given
2 Lit: some
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17