The Early Church Fathers On Prophecy
From the Apostles to the Council of Nicæa in 325 AD.
Watchfulness, beware of false prophets. many shall turn away from the truth. The deceiver Antichrist will come. The Lord will return.
Explains the day of the Lord as the millennial sabbath, where the day signifies a thousand years of worldwide peaceful rest.
We should proclaim the second coming of Christ looking to the future resurrection as the first fruits.
The Church at the end-time. The faithful church will escape the great tribulation, the lukewarm to be purified through the tribulation.
Papias heard from the disciples of the Apostles. He relates the 1,000 year reign of Christ after the resurrection of the dead.
The Church will first stand before the judgement seat of Christ, then afterward reign with Christ.
God's grace is long suffering. Therefore, the Church at the last time must be patient unto the coming of the Lord.
The second advent will come and then Christ will reign on earth from Jerusalem for 1,000 years and fulfill the remaining prophecies.
Recounts that of the apostle James and Jude (The Lord's brothers) proclaiming Jesus as the Christ and his future second advent.
The ten kingdoms of the beast, rise of Antichrist, the great tribulation, mark of the beast, second advent, millennial reign of Christ.
The end-time delusion, the judgement of Christ upon the heathen, the Jewish nation will acknowledge Christ at his second advent.
Book of Daniel including Daniel's 70 weeks., the future Temple in Jerusalem, the Antichrist, and coming of the true Christ.
First early church commentary on"The Book of Revelation" ... the true original version (not the later falsified version by St. Jerome).
The appointed coming of the Antichrist, his origin and nature of his rule. His involvement with the future third temple in Jerusalem.
The future abomination of desolation, the Antichrist, his 3 1/2 year reign, follwed by his destruction when the true Christ returns.
The Church is to be taken to the Lord before the tribulation begins.
The early church fathers above designated in regal purple are given as a guide. These are especially recommended for quality and quantity of detail in the subject of end time prophecy.
One of our most important resources for understanding end time prophecy is to know what the early church understood concerning the end times and the second coming of Jesus Christ. These early church fathers of whom some were living while the Apostles were still alive and other church fathers shortly thereafter, are indispensable to knowing the Apostles teaching. This section designed as a point focused reference guide to help the end time prophecy student see what was taught by the early church concerning end time prophecy. Being abridged, we included all and only the portions concerning and specific to end times ... and only from the early fathers. By finding and collecting just the portions that are specific to the subject of prophecy, we endeavored to save the prophecy student much work and time from having to sift through the many other pages if having to read through the entire works. Our goal was to make the study of prophecy from the fathers succinct, organized, and more direct. However, along with this handy streamlined collection, it is also recommended that the writings be read in their entirety and can be done so here: Early Christian Writings and at New Advent.
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