Book 1
Concerning Susannah and Daniel
Chapter 31
1. And so in order that the sacredness of the holy writings may be kept in all places and the pure mouth of the blessed prophets may be proclaimed, for words we interpret words and for phrases we reckon phrases2
2. For then while the elders plotted through wicked words to hide3 their desire and shamelessly said, “We saw them having relations4 with each other,5”6 the blessed Daniel examined7 what was both disgracefully and repulsively spoken by them, saying to them, “Under what tree did you see them lying with one another?”8 For there is another sense of the phrase, “lying with someone,” and another sense of “having relations with someone.”
2 ῥήµατι ῥῆµα συγκρίνωµεν καί φράσαι φράσεις συµβάλλοµεν
3 Lit: beguile, seduce
4 Lit: intercourse
5 Lit with them
6 Susannah 39
7 Lit: ordered, prepare
8 Susannah 54, 58 a
Chapter 32
1. Accordingly, after these things happened Scripture says, “All the gathering9 cried out in a great voice and gave praise to God because Daniel convicted they who falsely testified from their mouth.”1
2. And so what shall we say? While one said, “The Mastic tree”, yet the other said, “The oak,” in this there is a proof of God.
3. For what did they plan to say? “When we, while we were in possession of the young man, saw him, we
did not unmistakably see what kind of tree it was.”
4. But since divine Scripture instructs us in all things, leading us to truth, in this it is necessary to know2 that they were constrained by the Spirit to name such trees which were not planted in the garden, so that, behold, out of their own mouths they accuse themselves. For if they named some of those which were planted there, they likely would have persuaded the people with this word. But now it is not so, but the things which happened are displayed.
5. For after Daniel tested the misgivings of their hearts3 and also their terrible lust, through their words, which they still had before4 their eyes, and after declaring their secret errors which they did long ago to the daughters of Israel, and having revealed them, they themselves were tested by the Holy Spirit, and being darkened in mind they named foreign5 trees, so that through their words they are shackled by their own selves.6
1 Susannah 56-59
9 Lit: synagogue
1 Susannah 60-61
2 Or: understand
3 Lit: heart
4 Lit: in
5 Or: strange
6 Lit: by themselves
Chapter 33
1. After which7 all the people and all her relatives having heard this, shouted, saying “They lied! For neither a Mastic tree nor an oak have been planted in the Garden.”8
2. After this, all the assembly1 having risen, gave praise to God who saves those who hope in him. And they stood up against the two elders and did to them in which manner they wickedly wanted to do to their neighbor and killed them, because Daniel convicted2 them from their own mouth as having borne false witness,”3 so that what was spoken was fulfilled, “He who digs a trench for his neighbor, he himself
falls into it,”4 “And blameless blood was saved in that day.”5
3. “And Hilkiah and his wife praised God concerning their daughter with Jehoiakim her husband and all the assembly6, because a shameful matter was not found in her. And Daniel became great before the people from that day and beyond.”7
7 Lit: from where
8 Susannah 60
1 Lit: synagogue
2 Lit: proved, established
3 Susannah 60-62
4 Proverbs 26:27
5 Susannah 62-64
6 Lit: synagogue
7 Susannah 63-64
Chapter 34
1. And so we ought to attend to all matters8 beloved, not fearing that someone who is caught in some trespass indicts his own soul, knowing that God is an advocate for all, he himself being the all-seeing eye9, nothing which is committed in the world escapes his notice. Therefore, wakeful-ones who always live chastely from the heart10, imitate Susannah and delight in the garden and enjoy the everflowing water and, having been smeared with all filth, consecrate yourselves with heavenly oil, so that you may offer a pure body to God and kindle your lamps and await the bridegroom, so that, striking this chord, you may be admitted and celebrate God through Christ in song, to whom be the glory forever. Amen.
8 Lit: in all
9 Lit: the whole eye
10 Lit: hearts
The End of Book 1
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