Book 3
Concerning Nebuchadnezzar and concerning Daniel when he was thrown to the lions
Chapter 11
1. And so we find in the records that Nebuchadnezzar reigned twenty-five years.
2. For after he reigned the first eighteen years, then after being lifted up, he set up the image. Then after twelve months this happened to him and he was banished from men and his kingdom was taken from him.
3. And when he humbled himself and begged the Lord and confessed and entreated God the Most High, he was sought by his magistrates and having returned, he reigned again for seven years.
4. Just as he himself also described saying, “And after the end of the days, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven and my thoughts2 returned to me and I blessed the Most High and praised and glorified him who lives forever, because his authority is an eternal authority and his kingdom is from generation to generation and all who dwell upon the earth are reckoned as nothing, and according to his will he does in the power of heaven and in the dwelling of the earth, and there is not anyone who shall stand against his hand and will say to him, ‘What have you done?’ In the same season my thoughts3
returned to me and I came into the honor of my kingdom. And my form returned to me and my princes and my magistrates sought me, and I was strengthened over my kingdom and extravagant majesty was added to me. And so now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of Heaven, because all his works are true and his paths are just judgments and all who walk in arrogance are able to be
5. When he put away the same great arrogance which he acquired, and when he was suffering in the mountains, he confessed to God, recognizing the heavenly authority and he was restored again to the office of his kingdom, after both the magistrates and princes and all of those who were under him sought him, they also bestowed extravagant honor and glory upon him, so that what was spoken in the vision was fulfilled, “Except leave the stump of the roots of the tree in the earth, until you know that the Most High reigns over the kingdom of men and he shall give it to whom he esteems.”1
1 Daniel 4:37
2 Or: wits
3 Or: wits
4 Daniel 4:34-37
1 Daniel 4:25
Chapter 12
1. And so the kind of things which happened to Nebuchadnezzar at that time in those seasons were for admonitions and reminders, and were recorded for all men, as Daniel, also in dreams and visions2, really described these things as happening, concerning which if we approach upon the passage in the book, we may interpret both the dreams and visions and shall show these to also be true.
2. For Nebuchadnezzar saw two dreams: the dream of the many colored image, then the dream concerning the tree, which Daniel interpreted, and in due time it was fulfilled.
3. Likewise that which Daniel also saw, the four beasts rising from the sea, some of whom have already been, some of whom shall be, so that we may demonstrate that the prophecy of Daniel is the same and equal as the rest, differing in nothing, in order to make a proof of the things which already were and are and again shall be.
4. For if we believe the things which have already been as true, how do we not believe that all the coming events will be true also, which the blessed prophets announced beforehand that they shall be? But all things have been fulfilled, emerging in their own times according to the purpose of God.
2 Lit: forms and visions
Belshazzar violates the holy vessels of the temple of God
Chapter 13
1. And so we see what Scripture says, “Belshazzar1 the king made a great feast for his thousand magistrates, and wine was before them, and Belshazzar was drinking and when he tasted the wine, he said to bring in the golden and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar his father brought from the Temple which is in Jerusalem, that the king and his magistrates and his mistresses and his concubines might drink from them. And the golden and silver vessels were brought in, which Nebuchadnezzar his father brought out from the temple of God which is in Jerusalem, and the king and his magistrates and his mistresses and his concubines drank from them. They drank wine and praised the golden and silver and
bronze and iron and wooden and stone gods. In that same hour, fingers of a man's hand came forth, and they wrote before the lamp2 upon the plaster of the wall of the house of the king, and the king saw the knuckles of the hand which wrote. Then the form of the king was changed and his thoughts confused him and the union of his loins was parted and his knees struck. And the king shouted in strength to bring in magicians3, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. And he said to the wise men of Babylon, ‘Whoever shall read this writing and make known to me its interpretation, shall be clothed in purple and a golden necklace shall be upon his neck and he shall rule as third in my kingdom.’ And all the wise men of the
king came in and they were not able to read the writing nor make known to the king the interpretation. And Belshazzar was disturbed and his form was changed and his magistrates were troubled.”1
1 Lit: Baltasar. In the Greek the name “Belshazzar” and Daniel’s Babylonian name “Baltasar” are spelled the same.
2 Possibly the lamp which stood in the Holy of Holies.
3 Or: Magi
1 Daniel 5:1-9
Chapter 14
1. And so after the death of Nebuchadnezzar his son Evil Merodoch succeeded to his kingdom, of whom the Scripture2 does not mention, surely because he lived reverently, surely because there was nothing monstrous in him3.
2. He reigned twelve years and after him his brother Belshazzar reigned, concerning whom Scripture now makes a narrative.
3. He made a great supper for his thousand magistrates in the fourth year of his kingdom.
4. While they were drunk, the king, being puffed up4, commanded that the golden and silver vessels, which Nebuchadnezzar his father had brought out from the Temple which was in Jerusalem, to be brought forth, that the magistrate and his mistresses may drink from them. Those vessels, which were dedicated to God for his glory and honor by other kings, they took with defiled hands, and made a drink
offering in them and praised the lifeless and motionless idols.
5. Accordingly after this happened, fingers of a man's hand came forth, and they wrote before the lamp upon the plaster of the wall of the house of the king.
6. In the case of Nebuchadnezzar it said, “A holy one descended from heaven,”5 here it says, “fingers of a hand came forth,”6 Scripture signaling that this is the same Word which was about to be embodied in the end and to assume the figure of a man, so that he may never be looked at as through a form, but having become a man in the flesh and the will of the Father having dwelt with men, he is perfected.
7. And so when the hand1 wrote writing on the wall, Scripture, in this, indicates this to be the law of God which was engraved on the mountain in tablets. As Scripture says, “and the tablets were written by the finger of God”2 and “the writing was the writing of God which was engraved on the tablets.”3
8. And so in this way also here, the fingers of a hand were shown to the king alone, which flashed before the lamp, so that what was written there may be considered to be the writing of God.
9. For the light of the hand, after dazzling the light of the lamp, dimmed the light of the lamp4, so that
the fingers which wrote on the wall might be seen.
1 Daniel 5:1-9
2 As in only the book of Daniel does not mention him.
3 Or: nothing extraordinary in him
4 Or: being naturally disposed
5 Daniel 4:13
6 Daniel 5:51 Lit: it
1 Lit: it
2 Exodus 31:18
3 Exodus 32:16
4 Lit: it
Chapter 15
1. When the king saw this he quaked in fear5 and was in much distress, and he shouted in strength to bring in magicians, Chaldeans and soothsayers, not knowing that it is not possible for these to read the letters of God, but it is possible for those who from childhood practiced the law of God who also recognize the divine letters from their fathers.
2. And so after all were called, the king said to them, “‘Whoever shall read this writing and make known to me its interpretation, shall be clothed in purple and a golden necklace shall be upon his neck and he shall rule as third in my kingdom.’ “And all the wise men of the king came in and they were not able to read the writing nor make known to the king the interpretation.”6
3. For then how many of the Babylonians were there who wanted to please the king and were contriving many ways to forge some strange phrase and be clothed in purple and be glorified in the third throne? But the phrase was hidden from them. For their eyes were dull and the perceptions of their hearts were incapacitated. For the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are empty.1
4. And so while they were begging2, the heart of the king was disturbed and his form was changed and his magistrates were troubled.
5. Then at this point, “the queen, having heard what happened, came into the house of the drinking bout and said to the king, ‘Let not your thoughts trouble you, and let not your form be changed. There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of God, and in the days of your father watchfulness and understanding were found in him. And king Nebuchadnezzar your father set him as chief of the
enchanters, magicians, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. Because the Spirit of God abounds in him and thoughts and understanding are his, he interprets dreams and explains difficulties, and solves riddles3
; his name is Daniel. And the king gave4 him the name Bel-teshazzar. And so now let him be called and he will explain the interpretation to you.’”5
5 Lit: becoming afraid with quaking
6 Daniel 5:7-8 1
1 Corinthians 3:20; Psalm 94:11
2 Or: excusing, declining
3 Lit: knots
4 Lit: said
5 Daniel 5:10-12
Chapter 16
1. And so for what reason did the queen enter and call to mind Daniel? For did all the magistrates and friends of the king not know him? Or did they not know the things which occurred to Nebuchadnezzar, as he alone saw6 the dreams which were meant for him7, and he set him as chief of the wise men of Babylon?
2. They themselves also knew, but being destroyed by him, since he was adorned with heavenly wisdom, they did not want to proclaim to the king concerning him, so that he might not come and interpret1 the writing, and later they would be shamed.
3. This not only happened to Daniel then, but also even now it occurs to many.
4. For when one of the saints acquires grace from God and is found wiser than others, immediately everyone begins coveting, hating, persecuting, insulting2, dishonoring, talking down3, and setting him at naught, so that by this they imagine him to be nothing.
5. For similarly it also happened upon the prophets and upon the Lord and upon the apostles. In this way also we observe these things coming upon Daniel in Babylon. For Scripture puts forth these things as a proof that they happened in this way.
6 Lit: distinguished, judged
7 Or: by him
1 Lit: say
2 Or: mauling, outraging
3 Or: railing, baying
Chapter 17
1. Then accordingly after the king heard the things concerning him he commanded Daniel to be brought and he said to him, “Are you Daniel who is from the sons of the captivity of Judea, whom my father Nebuchadnezzar brought? I have heard concerning you that you are able to interpret questions. And so now if you are able to read this writing and to make known its interpretation to me you shall be clothed in purple and a golden necklace shall be upon your neck and you shall be the third position4 in my kingdom.”5
2. But the blessed Daniel, not taking pleasure in earthly gifts nor being lifted up at kingly glory answered, “Let your gifts, O king, be to you and give the present of your house to another. But I shall read the writing and I shall make known the interpretation to you.”6
3. And in this way, having begun, he described to the king all the things which happened to his father in their order, and at the same time he thoroughly explained to him the things which happened, in order to cause1 him to understand not to brag, nor to be arrogant, but that one must be under the authority of God.
4. And so he said to him, “God Most High gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom and the majesty and the honor and the glory. And from the majesty which was given to him all peoples, tribes, and tongues were trembling and fearing from his face. Whom he wished, he did away with and whom he wished he struck and whom he wished he exalted and whom he wished he humbled. And when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was determined to act arrogantly, he was thrown down from the throne of his kingdom and honor was taken from him. And he was banished from men and his heart was given with beasts and his dwelling with the wild asses, they fed him grass like an ox, and from the dew of heaven his body was bathed, until he knew that the Most High reigns over the kingdom of men and he shall give it to whomever he esteems.”2
5. And after saying these things he added the following, at once rebuking the king and not receiving his face so that having heard this the king3 would be afraid and so that he who committed trespasses might immediately recognize them.
6. And so it says, “And you his son, Belshazzar, you have not humbled your heart before God; do you not know all these things? And you have been exalted4 against the Lord God of heaven and have brought the vessels of his house before you and you and your magistrates and your mistresses and your concubines drank wine from them, and you have praised golden and silver and bronze and iron and wooden and stone gods, which do not see and which do not hear and which do not understand, and God, of whom your breath is in his hand and all your ways are as well, you have not glorified him. On account of this the fingers1 of a hand have been sent from his face and he ordered this writing: ‘Mane, Thekel, Fares.’ This is the interpretation of the phrase: ‘Mane,’ God has measured your kingdom and ended it2, ‘Thekel,’ it has been weighed in the balance and been found wanting, ‘Fares,’ your kingdom is divided and has been given to the Medes and Persians.”3
4 Or: chief, place
5 Daniel 5:13-16
6 Daniel 5:17
1 Lit: together also causing
2 Daniel 5:18-21
3 Lit: he
4 Or: exalted yourself
1 Lit: knuckle
2 Lit: fulfilled it
3 Daniel 5:22-28
Chapter 18
1. For the king, after he heard the writing and its interpretation, was grieved at what was spoken, but he
commanded Daniel to be clothed in purple and to be the third position4 in the kingdom.
2. In the same night king Belshazzar the Chaldean was killed and Darius the Mede received the kingdom being sixty-two years old.5
3. After the interpretation had been solved by Daniel, just as Scripture encompasses all things, in the same night the phrase was fulfilled and the kingdom of the Babylonians passed to the Medes, just as was spoken by Daniel, “He appoints kings and removes them knowing what is in darkness and light is with him”6.
4 Or: office, ruler
5 Daniel 5:29-31
6 Daniel 2:21, 22
Darius casts Daniel into the lion’s den
Chapter 19
1. And so Darius, who was called Ahasuerus7, received the kingdom and “appointed one-hundred-twenty satraps and appointed three governors over them, whom Daniel was one of, for the satraps to give account that the king may not be overburdened. And Daniel was over them because a spirit
abounded in him1, and the king appointed him over his whole kingdom.”2
2. For Darius the Mede, after hearing the things concerning him, both the wisdom which he acquired and his faith and piety from childhood, he appointed him to be first of all his friends and to rule all his kingdom, as Pharaoh did, having granted to Joseph second honor of the throne of his kingdom and assigning all the chiefs of the Egyptians to be obedient to him.
3. Accordingly, after this happened, the governors and satraps were stirred with jealousy and sought to find a pretext against Daniel, so that they might take some occasion against him and accuse him and kill him. In which manner the word was fulfilled, which we spoke a little before, that a pious man or one who fears God and has grace and wisdom from God is hated by the rest of men because they also were not honored with the same gift.
4. In this way also the satraps and governors through envy hated Daniel since he was wiser and more faithful than all of them were.
5. For Scripture testified to this, saying, “And not any pretext and transgression and fault was found against him because he was faithful.”3
6. For he not only kept the commandments of God according to the law, but also the prescriptions of the king with much diligence and his conduct was exacting4, wishing to stain his favor and pure conscience in no sordid matter of little gain.
7 Ἀσουῆρος
1 Or: an extraordinary spirit was in him
2 Daniel 5:31-6:3
3 Daniel 6:4
4 Or: precise
Chapter 20
1. For then how many were they who pretended to be friends with Daniel, who wickedly hated him in heart? They falsely-sent gifts with other intentions5 and they ordered to give befitting gifts, wishing to test1 his sincerity, in order to have for the king a future pretext against him that they might appeal to the king that he was obliging himself to the king’s possessions, and he in this way be killed as a plotter.
2. And so at all times they resourcefully sought a cause against him. And not finding anything they later deliberated together, saying, “We have not found a pretext against Daniel except in the laws of his God.”2
3. Then, having made one decision, they came to the king and said, “Darius, O king, live forever! Your captains and satraps and chiefs and governors have deliberated to set up a royal statute over your kingdom and to confirm an edict, that whoever asks a petition from any God and man for thirty days except from you, O king, shall be cast into the den of the lions. And so now O king, set up the edict and set out a writing because3 the decree of the Persians and Medes shall not be changed.”4
4. Then Darius, not perceiving the machination of theirs, purposed a decision, he commended a decree to be written and it to be put forth publicly.
5. For also later Haman wishing to kill Mordecai and his race went to king Artaxerxes and deliberated the same, that by royal decree on the fourteenth of the twelfth month on that one day, all the Jews shall be killed.5
5 Lit: faces
1 Or: tempt
2 Daniel 6:5
3 Or: that
4 Daniel 6:6-8
5 Esther 3
1 | 2 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17