Book 3
Concerning Nebuchadnezzar and concerning Daniel when he was thrown to the lions
Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the great tree
Chapter 1
1. “Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all peoples, tribes, and tongues who dwell upon the earth. Peace to you be multiplied. The signs and wonders which God did with me, it is good for me to declare to you as they are great and powerful. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his authority is from generation to generation. I, Nebuchadnezzar, was flourishing in my house and prospering. I saw a dream and it frightened me and I was troubled upon my bed and the visions of my head confused me. And I set forth a decree1 to bring before me all the wise men of Babylon, so that they may make known the interpretation of the dream to me. And the magicians, soothsayers, and Chaldeans came in. And I myself spoke the dream before them and they did not make its interpretation known to me until one who came, Daniel, the name of whom was Bel-teshazzar3 according to the name of my God, who has the Holy Spirit of God in him. To whom I said ‘Bel-teshazzar, chief of the enchanters, I myself know that the Holy Spirit of God is in you and every mystery is not impossible for you, hear the dream which I saw and tell me its interpretation.’”
1 Lit: and the decree which was set forth through me
2 Daniel 4:1-9
3. Bel-teshazzar, the Babylonian name given to Daniel.
Chapter 2
1. And so at that time Nebuchadnezzar, after seeing the marvels which happened to the three boys and being pricked in heart, set forth through a decree to publically announce to all peoples, tribes, and tongues who were under him, that namely they who hear what occurred, should fear God and should glorify him, just as he himself also praised God and said, “His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his authority is from generation to generation.”1
2. Then he described what happened in his second vision, as none of the magicians, soothsayers, and Chaldeans were able to declare the matter to the king, until Daniel was called who also described to Nebuchadnezzar2 his first vision, so that in all things God might glorify his own slaves the prophets beyond the other barbarians and foreign nations, who pretend to be flattered in their human wisdom, having practiced earthly learning.
2. For grace and gifts are from above from God, they are from heaven, which furnish their wealth to the worthy, which the blessed prophets partake by the Holy Spirit and are always made to understand.
2. Just as also the apostle wrote to the Corinthians saying, “And I myself came to you not proclaiming words which are taught by human wisdom, but proclaiming to you the mystery of Christ, rather in words taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual things with spiritual things.”3
2. And so in this way also the earthly wisdom of all the wise men in Babylon became foolish, who were not able to interpret the dream of the king, until one came, named Daniel, who had the Holy Spirit of God in him, just as the king himself also testified and proved it in many ways, and he set it forth to the
people4 in writing, so that not only would Daniel5 be shown as being honored by the king himself, but also by all who were subjected to the king, so that he may be named as a man of God and a great prophet.
6. Just as also the Egyptians, who long ago saw the wonderful works in the ten plagues which came upon them through Moses, were afraid and so they named him Mennouthim, which is in Egyptian, “Man of God.” For “Mennou” is called man, and “Thim” is called God. And in this way Nebuchadnezzar testified concerning Daniel that, “he has the Holy Spirit of God in him.”1.
1 Daniel 4:3
2 Lit: him
3 1 Corinthians 2:13
4 Or: state
5 Lit: he
1 Daniel 4:8
Chapter 3
1. Then after he was called and stood before the king, the king answered him, “I was looking upon my bed, and behold, a tree in the midst of the earth and its height was great. The tree grew and was strong and its height reached unto heaven, and its trunk to the limits of all the earth. Its leaves were seasonable and its fruit was plentiful and the food in it was for all. The wild beasts sheltered under it and in its
branches settled the birds of heaven and from it all flesh was nurtured. I saw in the vision of the night upon my bed, and behold, a watcher and a holy one descended from heaven and spoke in strength and he said, ‘Cut down the tree and strip its branches and shake off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the
beasts be loosed from under it and the birds from its branches, except leave the stump of its roots in the earth and in a bronze and iron bond and it shall lie outside in the grass and in the dew of heaven and its portion shall be with the beasts and in the grass of the earth. His heart shall be changed from men and a heart of a beast shall be given to him and seven seasons shall pass over him. This word is through the judgment of the watcher and the matter through the sanction of a holy one, so that all who live may know that the Most High reigns over the kingdom of men and he shall give it to whomever he esteems, and he shall raise up upon it the contemptible1 of men.’ I, Nebuchadnezzar the king, saw this dream and you Bel-teshazzar spoke its interpretation, because all the wise men of my kingdom were not able to explain its interpretation to me, but you Daniel were able because a holy spirit is in you.”
Chapter 4
1. The dream which was seen by Nebuchadnezzar was displayed as a punishment for the king himself, whose heart was exalted and lifted up against God, having set up a golden image and having forced all to be idolaters, it was shown to him through a vision that even he might see that he has the lot of being under the authority of God, even if he seems to at some time reign over all the kings of the earth.
2. And so that it may be shown that the kingdom which was given to him was from God, Daniel said to him, “You O king, are a king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given a strong and powerful and honorable kingdom in every place where the sons of men dwell.”3
3. And the king himself, having been amazed at the dream which Daniel interpreted, spoke similarly, “In truth your God, he is God of gods and Lord of lords because he is able to reveal this mystery.”4
4. And so when he forgot the first matters and he was later arrogantly lifted up, he received this punishment from God as an example and a model which was meant for all human tyrants and kings5, so as they who think they are above man may not brag, and that they who are lifted up may not boast against God, but they may foresee their danger and may fear God, seeing that they also have a Lord in the heavens.
5. For also Antiochus who was called Epiphanes, who became the king of Syria, who tortured the slaves of God with various torments, and having undertaken baser things at last even he came upon1 the deserved retribution from God and was punished with divine scourges, and he was not even able to endure his own stench, but while he was still living, worms swarmed from his impious eyes, and though proclaiming many entreaties and confessions to God, his salvation did come upon him.
6. Who also having despaired of himself and coming to the knowledge of the rest of mankind, when
he was about to die he spoke in this way, “It is just to be subject to God, and a man who is mortal should not consider himself equal to gods.”2
7. So that as many kings reverently and God-lovingly are turned back from sin, these also are honored by God, but as many are lifted up in accordance with their pride, these receive deserved and righteous retribution from God.
8. In which manner also Sennacherib, who boasted of his own great might and reproached God with lying words, was struck by an angel and on one night, one hundred eighty five thousand were destroyed. Later he himself also was done away with by his sons in his own land, according to the word of the Lord which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, so that all men may know the heavenly authority.
1 Or: worthless
2 Daniel 4:10-16
3 Daniel 2:37-38
4 Daniel 2:47
5 Or: which was for all men, both tyrants and kings
1 Or: befell
2 2 Maccabees 9:12
Chapter 5
1. And so similarly it happened also to Nebuchadnezzar. For indeed after he began the eighteenth year, he set up the image, just as has been said in the book before this, and its dimensions3 were also made known. After the year with twelve months was fulfilled, his kingdom was taken away from him so that the dream which was seen by him was fulfilled and he who had captured others, himself became a fugitive, and he who punished the Hebrews in a strange land, even he was deservedly punished in a desolate land.
2. Just as Scripture instructs saying, “Then Daniel, who was Bel-teshazzar in name, was astounded for about one hour, and his thoughts confused him. And Bel-teshazzar answered and said, ‘Lord, let the dream be upon those who hate you and its interpretation upon your enemies. The tree which you saw, which grew great and strong, the height of which reached unto heaven and its trunk to all the earth and its leaves flourished and its fruit was plentiful and the food in it was for all, under it dwelt the wild beasts and in its branches the birds of heaven sheltered, you are the tree, O king, because you have been magnified and made strong, and your magnificence has been magnified and has reached unto heaven and your dominion to the limits of the earth. And because the king saw a watcher and a holy one descending from heaven who1 said, ‘Strip the tree and destroy it, except leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and in a bronze and iron bond and it shall lie2 outside in the grass and the dew of heaven and its portion shall be with the wild beasts, until seven seasons shall pass over it.’ This is its interpretation, O king, and the judgment is of the Most High, which has come upon my lord the king. And they shall drive you from men and your dwelling shall be with the wild beasts, and they will feed you with grass as an ox, and you shall lie3 under the dew of heaven, and seven seasons shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men, and he shall give it to whomever he esteems. And when he said, ‘Leave the stump of the roots of the tree,’ your kingdom will remain for you, until4 you know the authority of heaven. On account of this, O king, let my counsel please you and redeem your sins in alms and your unrighteous deeds by pity on the poor. Perhaps he will be patient upon your trespasses.’ All these things came upon Nebuchadnezzar the king. After twelve months when he was walking in the temple of his kingdom in Babylon the king answered and said, ‘Is this Babylon not great, which I myself built as a house for my kingdom, for the rule of my strength, for the honor of my glory?’ While the word was still in the mouth of the king a voice from heaven rang out1, saying, ‘To you Nebuchadnezzar the king, your kingdom has passed from you and they shall banish you from men and your dwelling shall be with the wild beasts and they will feed you grass as an ox and seven seasons shall pass over you, until2 you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and he shall give it to whomever he esteems.’ In the same hour the word was accomplished upon Nebuchadnezzar and he was banished from men and ate grass as an ox and his body was bathed by the dew of heaven, until his hair grew like a lion’s and his nails became like a bird’s. And after the end of the days, I Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven and my wits returned to me and I blessed the Most High and praised and glorified him who lives forever, because his authority is an eternal authority and his kingdom is from generation to generation and all who dwell upon the earth are reckoned as nothing, and according to his will he does in the power of heaven and in the dwelling of the earth, and there is not one who shall stand against his hand and will say to him, ‘What have you done?’’”3
3 Lit: measure
1 Lit: and he
2 Lit: encamp
3 Lit: encamp
4 Lit: from which when
1 Hippolytus appears to be speaking of a spiritual danger and not a physical one.
2 Or: characters
3 Or: grass
Chapter 6
1. And so the dream seems to be self evident and quite clear to all, just as Scripture also teaches that these things happened in this way, and the same king later, while confessing, described what occurred to him.
2. But at all events the grace of God plentifully causes man to understand, so that we, having in all things an unhindered mind, may not devote ourselves to the persons of human kings, for hope in man is vain, let us not, for the sake of gifts, flatter rulers who being in authority marshal men, but rather adhering to God alone and doing what is pleasing to him, let us also now continue in the present less dangerous life1 and let us readily flee from the judgment which is to come.
3. For how is a king and a ruler able to aid a man, since he is also mortal and is moved by the same authority of he who made all things?
6. For he is able in this life to furnish to you many great gifts, but even these are earthly and happen to also be temporary.
5. But many obtain honor and gifts under the king and are appointed into some authorities, later however, they endanger themselves either being found as plotters, or done away with by others as being friends of the king.
6. How does friendship with the king aid them, who were not satiated with gifts which they received, but also besides destroy their own souls?
7. And so flee such persons2, O man, never endangering yourself on account of them, “for all flesh is grass and all the glory of men is as the flower of the field3. The grass withers and the flower falls.”4
8. Hear what was spoken by the apostle Paul, how he advises Timothy, writing, “Proclaim to
the wealthy in5 the present age not to be high-minded, nor to obey the uncertainty of wealth, but to hope in the living God,1 who is the Savior of all men who exceedingly believe.”2
4 1 Peter 1:24
5 Lit: of
1 1 Timothy 6:17
2 1 Timothy 4:10
Chapter 7
1. For if the glory of those who lie in3 prominence is like dry leaves, which blossom for a little while but immediately waste away, how does it aid Nebuchadnezzar the king when he says this immoderate statement, “Is this Babylon not great, which I myself built as a house for my kingdom, for the rule of my strength, for the honor of my glory?”4 When after he was banished, he ate vegetation with the beasts in the mountains?
2. How does that insolence and the mighty arrogance of words and the great and terrible flame of the furnace aid Nebuchadnezzar when he is not master5 of his own soul?
3. And on account of this the blessed Daniel became his counselor, like a good doctor who wishes to heal his hurts. Now he said, “Let my counsel please you and redeem your sins in alms and your unrighteous deeds by pity on the poor. Perhaps he will be patient upon your trespasses.”6
4. Therefore he, who also interpreted the dream of the king, was grieved and became tearful and for about one hour was amazed and his thoughts troubled him, not wishing to send out his voice, indicating the affection which he had for the king, so that in this even the king7 was sorely pricked and when he did what was spoken by the prophet, he was able to be saved.
5. And so after Daniel stood voiceless for one hour and was greatly silent, he, while looking at everyone, was confused by his thoughts and his face was changed, and Daniel8 became pale on account of the fear of the interpretation, lest the king, having heard what was spoken concerning him, become angered and command him to be killed; but when he was empowered by the Spirit and assumed the face of an angel, his appearance became fiery and his eyes shining as a flame of fire, so that in this the king, being astounded, was afraid.
6. For if the sons of Israel were not able to look upon the face of the blessed Moses on account of the glory of his face, how then were the Babylonians not afraid who looked at the face of Daniel which had changed? Certainly when he appeared as a man they were not afraid, but when he was also shown as an angel of God, they were afraid.
7. Then having been calmed from great vision and agony and coming to his own state of human nature, he answered the king and said, “Let, O king, the dream be upon those who hate you and its judgment on your enemies.”1
8. And in this way, having begun, he proclaimed to him according to each thing which was to happen to him and encouraged him with comforting words and he again restored his hopes for what was about to be.
9. For he says to him, “And when the king saw a watcher and a holy one descending from heaven who2
said, ‘Cut down the tree and strip its leaves leaves and shake its branches except leave the stump of the
roots of the tree in the earth.’ 3 Your kingdom will remain, O king, until you know the heavenly authority, because the Most High rules the kingdom of men and he shall give it to whom he wills.”4
3 Or: are situated in
4 Daniel 4:30
5 Or: does not rule
6 Daniel 4:27
7 Lit: he
8 Lit: he
1 Daniel 4:19
2 Lit: and he
3 Daniel 4:19
4 Daniel 4:25
Chapter 8
1. And so after twelve months all these things happened to king Nebuchadnezzar.
2. For neither did Scripture lie nor did Daniel deceive him, but he taught him beforehand that these things were about to be accomplished in him.
3. For the tree “grew great and strong, which reached unto the height of heaven and its trunk to the limits of all the earth,”1 Scripture indicates it to be the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar, as also Daniel distinctly stated, because the king was exalted and became glorious and ruled over all the earth and mastered the farthest nations.
4. Its branches were dignitaries and commanders and governors and all who were appointed by him were as branches which are put forward from a tree.
5. The leaves of the tree represent the edicts through his words, which he sent to all the earth, bidding and appointing just as he planned.
6. The tree which has great fruit is clearly the great revenue and tribute which was brought up to him from each2 of the nations.
7. Its trunk which sits upon the earth signals it to be the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar on account of it being engaged in earthly matters, just as it is established over the earth.
8. The great fruit of it and the food for all, which is in it, signal the salaries and honors and favors which are given to all by the king, which were like food from a tree which is given to men.
9. The wild beasts which dwell under it are signaled to be the armies and the powers which always stand near and remain in service to the king, assisting to the utmost for what has been ordered, like wild beasts who are ready to battle and to destroy and to rend men in pieces as if they were3 beasts.4
10. The birds which dwell in its branches are the obedience of all the nations to him, who come distantly and from afar and submit to those who are appointed chiefs by him, just as branches originate from the tree.
1 Daniel 4:8,17
2 Lit: from one of each
3 Lit: as
4 Or: just as beasts rend
Nebucahdnezzar banished
Chapter 9
1. And so when the angel came down from heaven and said, “Cut down the tree and strip its branches and shake off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the beasts be loosed from under it and the birds from its branches”1, this indicates the occurrence of a plot by the satraps against the king and by those who are in power under them.
2. After he was banished by them, he fled to the desert and his kingdom and the authority and majesty which he had formerly were taken, because he boasted and said, “Who is the god, who shall take you from my hands?”2 Later stooping piteously to the earth, and wailing in the mountains, he lived with the beasts, fearing his satraps, lest he be killed by them.
3. And on account of this Scripture says, “He shall lie outside in the grass and in the dew of heaven and with the beasts and his portion shall be in the grass of the earth. His heart shall be changed from men and a heart of a beast shall be given to him.”3
4. For no longer did the great king and ruler live as a man administering the kingdom, but being alone in the desert he ate grass and herbs until his heart was changed and became as a beast who lived4 in forests and caverns, until his hair grew as a lion’s and his nails grew large as a bird’s and seven seasons passed over him.”5
5. For in this way God the Most High interpreted6 these things to be, just as Daniel says, “The judgment is of the Most High, which has come upon my lord the king.”7
6. The Word, having heard the council of the Father, descended from heaven to proclaim the will of the Father through angels 1, as Scripture says, “A holy one descended from heaven.”2
7. The angels consulted the Word, “What does the master command us?” For this is the request of the saints.
8. The word to them was that God the Most High says this, “Cut down the tree and strip its branches and shake its leaves.”3
9. Those who heard this routed the powers of the king, so that they took away his kingdom.
10. For all the nations were handed over to the angels, as John says in the Apocalypse, “And I heard one saying, ‘Release the four angels who reside on the great river Euphrates’”4 who are Persians, Medes, Assyrians, and Babylonians.
1 Daniel 4:14
2 Daniel 3:15
3 Daniel 4:15-16
4 Lit: occupied
5 Daniel 4:32
6 Or: decreed
7 Daniel 4:24
1 Or: with or by or to angels
2 Daniel 4:13
3 Daniel 4:14
4 Revelation 9:13-14
Chapter 10
1. Next Scripture says, “And he shall lie outside in the grass and in the dew of heaven and seven seasons shall pass over him until you know that God the Most High rules over the kingdom of men.”5
2. And so some count seven seasons as seven years. But some take6 seven seasons to refer to three months for each year, for one year has four seasons, winter, spring, summer, and autumn, as seven seasons then are given7 to the king.
3. For when it says to him, “Leave the stump of the roots of the tree in the earth,”8 it is clear that
that he is again according to the purpose of God about to be reestablished over his own office.
4. For this occurred as an education for the king, so that he would not be high-minded and in the future he would be able to say, “And all who walk arrogance are able to be humbled.”1
5 Daniel 4:25
6 Lit: change, alter
7 Lit: change, alter
8 Daniel 4:26
1 Daniel 4:37
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17