Book 2
Concerning the image which king Nebuchadnezzar set up
Chapter 31
1. And so the Babylonians, seeing the three boys hymning in the furnace, did not cease to heat the furnace with resin, pitch, tar, and brushwood and the flame climbed5 forty-nine cubits above the furnace and spread out against they who fought against the mighty God.
2. Scripture says, “The fire broke out6 and engulfed those whom it found around the furnace of the Chaldeans.”7
3. See how the fire itself was prudent and recognized and punished the culpable? For it did not singe the slaves of God, but consumed the faithless and godless of the Chaldeans, and those who were within the furnace were besprinkled by an angel, but those careless ones who imagined that they stood outside of the furnace, they were destroyed by fire.
4. And as Scripture says, “The angel of God descended into the furnace with those who were around Azariah, and he shook off the flame of the fire of the furnace and made the midst of the furnace like a breeze of dew which whistles, and the whole fire did not singe them nor vex or trouble them.”1
5 Lit: spread, dispersed
6 Lit: Passed through
7 Song of the Three Children 24
1 Song of the Three Children 26
Chapter 32
1. And so it is needful to ask,2 who was this angel who was revealed in the furnace and who preserved the boys as his own children under his enfolding arms, and for those in the midst of the furnace he turned3 the fire into dew4, but for those those outside the fire he assigned his own standard of judgment, as it is written, “With the measure you measure it will be measured to you”?5
2. Let me not deceive, he was not any other person, but the very one who judged the Egyptians with the water. In return for they who at that time threw the newborn males of the Hebrews into the river, they in the same way were destroyed in the sea by being plunged righteously into the water, so that a balanced recompense may be rendered to those who practice wickedly.
3. This was he who received the authority of judgment from the Father. He who also showered fire and divine retribution upon the Sodomites, and destroyed them on account of their lawlessness and wicked impiety.
4. And Ezekiel agrees with this, who received and got possession of fire in his hand, and awaits the voice of the Father, when he shall command him to throw it upon the earth.6
32.5. They, having seen this fire in the furnace, and having seen the light of this being eclipsed, trembled.
6. Concerning this Isaiah says, “And his name shall be called Angel of Great Counsel.”1
7. For Scripture also likens this one to be an angel of God. For it was he himself who reported to us the mysteries of the Father.
8. This one descended into the furnace with those who were around Azariah.
9. The fire, seeing this Angel, recognized his master and, being afraid, fled outside of the furnace and on account of this rose forty-nine cubits. For having been driven from within it gushed out and became
delicate dew, which whistled as a wind in the midst of the furnace, from within, which did not at all possess the fragrance of fire.
10. For the angel, who was standing in the furnace, drove the flame outside from within and having driven it he dispersed it in a circle around the furnace for forty-nine cubits.
2 Lit: seek
3 Or: defeated
4 Lit: dew of water
5 Luke 6:38 or Matthew 7:2
6 Ezekiel 10:2, 6-7
1 Isaiah 9:6
Chapter 33
1. Then Nebuchadnezzar seeing what happened “was amazed and rose up in haste and he heard their hymns and he said to his nobles2 ‘Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?’ But they said, ‘Truly O king.’ He answered and said, ‘Here I indeed see four men speaking and walking in the midst of the fire and there is no destruction in them and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of God.’”3
2. Tell me, Nebuchadnezzar, for when did you see the Son of God, so that you confessed this one to be the Son of God? Who pricked your heart so that you plainly spoke such a word? With what sort of eyes were you able to see the light of him4?
3. But why was this shown to you alone and to none of the other satraps? But it is because it is said, “the heart of the king is in the hand of God.”1
4. The hand of God itself, the very thing which was the Word, pricked the heart of the king2, so that you may recognize this one in the furnace and may glorify him.
5. And this is not to be idly understood by us. For when the sons of Israel, seeing the Son of God in the world, were destined to not believe, Scripture proved that the nations were destined to recognize him in the flesh3, when long ago Nebuchadnezzar seeing him not of flesh, observed him in the furnace and confessed him to be a son of God.
2 µεγιστᾶσιν
3 Daniel 3:25
4 Or: this
1 Proverbs 21:1
2 Lit: him
3 Or: incarnate
Chapter 34
1. “Then Nebuchadnezzar came to the door of the burning furnace and he said, “Shadrach, Meshach and
Abednego, slaves of God Most High, come out and come here.”4
2. For since he himself was not able to come into the furnace, he called them to come outside.
3. And he called the names of the three, but he found he was not able to declare the fourth. For Jesus had not yet been born5 of the virgin.
4. “And the satraps and captains and governors and princes of the king came together and they saw the men, that the fire did not have lordship of their body and the hair of their head was not burned and their cloaks were not worsened and the scent of fire was not in them.”6
4 Daniel 3:26
5 Lit: begotten
6 Daniel 3:27
Hippolytus explains why God rescues some martyrs but not others
Chapter 35
1. But someone will likely say, “And so why did God rescue the martyrs long ago, but now he does not so rescue them?”
2. For twice we find that the blessed Daniel, having been cast into the den of lions1, was not destroyed by the beasts and the three boys in the furnace were not conquered by the fire.
3. Take heed, O man, because even at that time God rescued whom he wished to still live, so that the magnificent work of God may be shown and it may be preached in all the world until now.
4. But whom he wishes to testify, he, having crowned them, takes them.
5. For he rescued the three boys, so that the boast of Nebuchadnezzar may be shown as being nothing, wishing to demonstrate this, that “what is impossible for men is possible for God.”2 For since
Nebuchadnezzar was arrogant and said, “And who is the god who is able to rescue you from the furnace of fire?”3 God demonstrated to him that he is able to rescue his slaves whenever he wills.
6. For also similarly it happened to Daniel, for after Darius said, “Is God whom you perpetually serve, able to rescue you from the mouths of the lions?”4 Daniel answered and said, “God sent his angel and he stopped the mouths of the lions and they did not hurt me.”5
7. For also all the governors and satraps contrived a pretext, so that they handed Daniel over to the beasts in order to kill him. But God, seeing their machinations and the sincerity of the blessed Daniel, rescued him from the mouths of the lions, so that he rescues whom he wills but takes whom he wills.
8. For we find also the seven martyrs who, under Antiochus, endured terrible punishments and were taken from the world. And so what of it? Was God not able to smite king Antiochus and to rescue the seven brothers? He was able, but he did not will to do this so that this example1 may become ours.
9. For if he rescued everyone, who would he destine to testify? But if all were testifying and were
killed, he would be reckoned by some of the faithless as being this: a powerless God.
1 Bel and the Dragon 31
2 Luke 18:27
3 Daniel 3:15
4 Daniel 6:20
5 Daniel 6:22
1 Lit: model
Chapter 36
6. How do you today delay to testify when those who first, after testifying, were blessed?
7. And so you have in an ancient testament many who have testified, yet many also who were rescued, so that one and the same God is demonstrated both long ago and now who also has authority to do to his slaves the very thing which he wills.
8. But let us also go to him the King of Glory and let us speak concerning the Son of God. Was God not able to rescue his Christ, so that he may not be betrayed by the Jews? Yes he was able, but he allowed him to suffer so that we, through the cross of his death4, may live. And on account of this the Lord seeing the plan of God, said, “Father not my will, but yours be done.”1
2 Romans 14:8
3 Lit: according to time
4 Lit: through the death of his cross
1 John 18:26; Matthew 26:53; Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:71
Chapter 37
1. But what is better for you O man, having testified to depart from this world in glory, or having been rescued here and waiting patiently to keep sinning?2
2. For we have seen many who have confessed before the tribunal who were, through some pretext against the design of God, destroyed, and we have seen they who lived a sufficient time and being found in transgressions, also were destroyed.
3. How does a confession to God aid them? For it is better for them rather that they are taken from this world a spure, having a heavenly crown, then remaining here to heap up sins for themselves concerning which they have to render an account.
4. Therefore let the one who is brought forth on account of the Name pray that at some time having
testified in such a way, to depart. For this one will never in any way be judged, but he will judge “having his own share in the first resurrection.”3
5. And so be firm O man, never stammering in faith, and whenever you are called to testify4 obey willingly, so that your faith may be shown. It has happened that God has tested you as he tested Abraham, when he demanded Isaac. Having been brought forward, perhaps5 he wills to deliver you, and in this you glorify God.
6. And you mimic the three boys and understand their faith! For they said to the king, “God is able to release us, but if he does not will, we are under the authority of God, we would rather gladly die than do what is prescribed by you.”6.
7. Whom then Nebuchadnezzar also seeing the pure and blameless boys coming out from the furnace was astounded and amazed. For neither was their hair singed nor their cloaks changed nor was the smell of fire in them.
2 Or: not to testify
3 Revelation 20:6
4 Or: be martyred
5 Lit: if
6 Daniel 3:18
Chapter 38
1. And so in this way Nebuchadnezzar said, “‘Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel and rescued his boys because they obeyed him and they opposed1 the word of the king and handed their bodies over to the furnace, that they might not serve any God except their God. And I have set out a decree: ‘All people, tribes, and tongues who shall ever speak blasphemy against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego shall be destroyed and their houses shall be plundered, because there is no other God who is able to rescue in this way.’ And he prospered2 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the country of Babylon and strengthened them and promoted them to lead all the Jews who were in his kingdom.”3
2. And so it is necessary to observe, beloved, how faith towards God pours out such great grace.4
3. For even as they handed themselves over to death, they glorified God himself, in this way again they also were not only glorified by God but also by the king and they taught the tribes and the barbarian nations to revere God.
4. For this truly happens to befall us even now, for when one of the saints is called to martyrdom and
magnificent things are done5 by God for him, immediately all who see wonder, and many believe through the signs and in this way they also become martyrs of God.
5. To whom we also have believed, so let us also inspire ourselves to be worthy before God, being chaste in body, soul, and spirit, so that we ourselves may receive the incorruptible crown together with the blessed martyrs, and may hymn with them to God. For his glory is forever and ever. Amen.
1 Lit: changed
2 Or: promoted
3 Daniel 3:28-30
4 Lit: how great grace faith towards God pours out.
5 Lit: happen or become
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