The War Scroll 2
Rules for the trumpets
1 [The Rule for the trumpets of Summons and the trumpe]ts of Alarm according to all their duties.
2 ... [the trumpets of Summons shall sound for disposal in] III battle
formations and to summon the foot-soldiers to advance when the
gates of war shall open; and the trumpets of Alarm shall sound for massacre, and for ambush, and for pursuit when the enemy shall be
smitten, and for retreat from battle.
3 On the trumpets calling the congregation they shall write, The Called
of God.
4 On the trumpets calling the chiefs they shall write, The Princes ofGod.
5 On the trumpets of the levies they shall write, The Army of God.
6 On the trumpets of the men of renown and of the heads of family of the congregation gathered in the house of Assembly they shall write, Summoned by God to the Council of Holiness.
7 On the trumpets of the camps they shall write, The Peace of God in
the Camps of His Saints.
8 And on the trumpets for breaking camp they shall write, The mighty
Deeds of God shall Crush the Enemy, Putting to Flight all those who Hate Righteousness and bringing Shame on those who Hate Him.
9 On the trumpets for battle formations they shall write, Formations of the Divisions of God for the Vengeance of His Wrath on the Sons of Darkness.
10 On the trumpets of ambush they shall write, The Mysteries of God
shall Undo Wickedness.
11 On the trumpets of pursuit they shall write, God has Smitten All the
Sons of Darkness; His Fury shall not End until They are Utterly
12 On the trumpets summoning the foot-soldiers to advance towards
the enemy formations when the gates of war are opened they shall
write, Reminder of Vengeance in God’s Appointed Time.
13 On the trumpets of retreat, when they retreat from battle to the
formation, they shall write, God has Reassembled.
14 On the trumpets of return from battle against the enemy when they
journey to the congregation in Jerusalem they shall write, Rejoicings of God in the Peaceful Return.
Rule for the banners
15 Rule of the banners of the whole congregation according to their formations. On the grand banner which is at the head of all the people they shall write, "People of God," the names "Israel" and "Aaron," and the names of the twelve tribes of Israel according to their order of birth.
16 On the banners of the heads of the "camps" of three tribes
they shall write, "the Spirit [of God," and the names of three tribes.
17 O]n the banner of each tribe they shall write, "Standard of God," and the name of the leader of the t[ribe] of its clans. [... and] the name of the leader of the ten thousand and the names of the chief[s of his hundreds. On the banner [...
18 [On the standard of the Myriad they shall write, ... of God, together with] the name of the chief of the Myriad and the names of the [leaders of its Thousands].
19 With the name of the chief of the Thousand and the names of the leaders of its Hundreds].
20 [On the banner of the Hundred] ... On the standard of Merari they shall write, "The Offering of God," together with the name of the chief of Merari and the names of
the leaders of its Thousands.
21 On the banner of the Thousand they shall write, "The Wrath of God is Kindled against Belial and against the Men of his Company,
Leaving no Remnant," together with the name of the chief of the
Thousand and the names of the leaders of its Hundreds.
22 On the banner of the Hundred they shall write, "From God comes the Might of War against All Sinful Flesh," together with the name of
the chief of the Hundred and the names of the leaders of its Fifties.
23 On the banner of the Fifty they shall write, "The Stand of the Ungodly is Ended by the Power of God," together with the name of the chief of the Fifty and the names of the leaders of its Tens.
24 On the standard of the Fifty they shall write, "The Stand of the Ungodly is Ended by the Power of God," together with the name of the chief of the Fifty and the names of the leaders of its Tens.
25 When they march out to battle they shall write on their banners, "Truth of God, Justiceof God, Glory of God, Judgement of God," followed by the whole ordered list of their names.
26 When they approach for battle they shall write on their banners, "Right Hand of God, Appointed Time of God, Tumult of God, Slain of God," followed by the whole list of their names.
27 When they return from battle they shall write on their banners, "Honour of God, Majesty of God, Splendour of God, Glory of God,"
together with the whole list of their names.
Rule for the banners of the congregation
28 When they set out for battle they shall write on the first banner
"Congregation of God," on the second banner "Camps of God," on the third banner, "Tribes of God," on the fourth banner, "Clans of God," on the fifth banner, "Divisions of God," on the sixth banner, "Assembly of God," on the seventh banner, "The Called of God," on the eighth banner, "Hosts of God;" and they shall write the list of their names withall their order.
29 When they approach for battle they shall write on their banneers, "War of God, Vengeance of God, Trial of God, Reward of God, Power of God, Retributions of God, Might of God, Extermination of God for all the Nations of Vanity;" and they shall write on them the whole list of their names.
30 When they return from battle they shall write on their banners,
"Salvation of God, Victory of God, Help of God, Support of God, Joy of God, Thanksgivings of God, Praise of God, Peace of God."
The measurements of the banners
31 The banner of the whole congregation shall be fourteen cubits long; the banner [of the three tribes,] thirteen cubits long; [the banner of the tribe,] twelve cubits; [the banner of the Myriad], eleven cubits; [the banner of the Thousand, ten cubits; the banner of the Hundred,] nine cubits; [the banner of the Fifty, eight] cubits; the banner of the Ten, s[even cubits]
32 And on the sh[ield of] the Prince of all the congregation they shall write his name, together with the names of Israel, Levi and Aaron, and the names of the twelve tribes of Israel according to the order of their precedence, with the names of their twelve chiefs.