Prophecy for Today
"To know him and the power of his resurrection"
I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the ending,
the first and the last
The Omega Point Ω
The Omega Point is obscure to the natural mind and yet is the natural perfect fulfillment of the spiritual mind. It speaks of the future of man and yet is an eternal state within God and in which God is all and in all. On our voyage to the Omega Point we are in a time capsule but upon arrival to that very point ... time will cease and we will know the eternal Father even as we ourselves are known.
In this writing on the Omega Point … it would be appropriate to know that this writing is the unfolding and revealing of a spiritual reality that is a hidden gem within the wisdom of the holy scriptures. It is spoken of by our Lord Jesus Christ and expounded upon shortly yet powerfully by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians. You will find it in John’s Gospel, epistles, and the book of Revelation.
To give a definition is no easy task. To render a description is just as difficult. But, we will seek to understand by discernment of the Word and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
For their is no way for the human mind apart from God's Holy Spirit and God's word to really understand the depths of God as St. Lactantius points out when he says, "Therefore let men withdraw themselves from errors; and laying aside corrupt superstitions, let them acknowledge their Father and Lord, whose excellence cannot be estimated, nor His greatness perceived, nor His beginning comprehended."
Therefore, the Omega Point in this book is not the vain philosophy of men, nor is it about cosmic speculations, but rather the undertaking to understand what the Word of God has revealed concerning Christ. In fact, to be IN CHRIST, is to have reached the very means by which we will enter the Omega Point itself. And spiritually, IN CHRIST, we are already there!
The Alpha
To more completely know the Omega Point, we must first understand the Alpha Point. While there is an Alpha point relative to mankind and our reference to it, the Alpha Himself precedes the Alpha Point in that the Alpha is eternal and thus “before all things.”
What does it mean therefore, when he is called "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world"? It means that before the creation of the worlds of the universe ... that Christ is named the Lamb according to God's eternal purpose. You might say that Christ was slain only when he was crucified upon the cross within a point of history. Indeed, the Word was made flesh that the Son of God entered into the world of his creation at a particular time in order that he might be made man, lay his life down, and be "crucified among us". For, in this way did he provide the sacrifice for mortal man. However, this was not an unexpected random act taking place at a random time, for the wisdom of God given to St. Paul helps us when he says "that in the dispensation of the fullness of time, God sent forth his Son". What a wonderful way to describe in what manner the eternal and infinite God chooses to reach his creation within the creation itself. The Alpha however, did not begin at that time, nor at the beginning of all things for he is said to already be at the beginning with God and was God when the beginning was revealed. So then, it should be understood that he is "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world" for he is not before some things but rather "before ALL things."
Jesus Christ is the Alpha and he is not only the beginning but also the first. He does not come after the eternal Father but as eternal Son of God is eternally begotten of the Father. “The same was in the beginning with God ... AND WAS GOD”
(John 1:1-2).
And thus St. Lactantius says, "But because that which exists must of necessity have had a beginning, it follows that since there was nothing before Him, He was produced from Himself before all things."
Now, to understand this we must have an accurate focus of knowing. The Alpha point is the divider between the eternal Alpha and the beginning. That means that at that precise point of the Alpha is where we can find both the eternal state and beginning. Preceding the Alpha Point there is the eternal only but no beginning. Christ is the Alpha … not merely the Alpha Point, for the Alpha Point itself is contained within Christ.
False teachers who deny the Son as eternal and foolishly say that the Father created Christ as the beginning of creation and that the Father came first, then the Son, to whom then the Son created the rest of everything else including the worlds are ignorant not only of the Alpha Himself but also of the Alpha Point.
If Christ is to come into existence after the Father, then Christ is not the alpha. The Father is. And Christ would then be the second, rather than the first. He would be the beta rather than the alpha, from which everything else was called into existence (thus the cosmos itself being gamma third-order existence). But, Jesus Christ did not say He was the beta and the omega. He said “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last”. Christ is not only the beginning, He is also the first. But, not only the first, but also the Alpha. He is all three and each is significant.
Now that we have shortly discussed the eternal Christ as the Alpha ... let us now draw our attention to understanding the Alpha point.
The Alpha Point
From our perspectiveI, we can behold the alpha point in terms of the beginning. Scientists may try to identify it as a cosmic big bang... as when the universe began. The greek philosopher Aristotle taught an internal spontenaity ... a spontaneously spiraled energy from a non-personal force. However, science and philosophy are shallow attemps and imeasurably insufficient. Finite disciplines could never begin to adequatley describe the power, magnitude, scope, and detail of this beginning which was generated out of the infinite and eternal past. Nor does this author suppose to be capable either. The best we can do is to understand what the word of God declares to us in all wisdom and knowledge.
The ultimate cause of all things that actually have a beginning stem from the root. For this reason, even the Messiah is said to be of the root of Jesse in prophecy for it was given to Christ to be the beginning of all that pertains to God's will in the act of atonement. The root of Jesse intimates that Christ is "the seed" of the woman whereby a new creation will be formed.
The Omega
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The Omega Point
Everthing is moving towards the Omega point ... everything. All of creation, including things visible and invisible. Those things which are to be glorified and those things condemned to destruction. Anything that defiles, contaminates, or that is evil is also moving toward the omega point where it is either consumed, purified, and/or cleansed beforehand or at the omega point itself. Whatever is not purified is to be consigned to it's rightful eternal state in accordance with God's righteous judgement. Thus, John speaks of the lake of fire, prepared for Satan and his angels.
The question that is worth asking is why it was that the Alpha point itself should be contained within Christ himself and no other. That all glory should go to GodThat he (Christ) should have the preeminence in all things.Because it pleased the Father.That all things would be summed up in him.
Read St. Lactantius, Divine Institutes, Book 2, Ch. 9 & 10. Concerning how the Son makes all things out of nothing which can only be done as God.
That He Might Have the Preeminence
That Christ is the Omega is necessary only relative to man’s perspective. But, is it necessary in and of itself for the summation of all things to be summed up in Christ? Could the omega point be found in another? Or, brought about by a different way? Could God have provided an independent means outside of Christ to complete the designed plan? I once heard a man say that he believed that Christ did what he came to do and that the rest was up to us now. As if, the remainder of the future was in our hands to shape and mold as we see fit. That we are in charge of the fate of the world. Others think that there are many paths to God including the many religions of the world. We know however that all things in accordance with God’s plan are fulfilled in His Son, Jesus Christ. Why then, did the Father choose to fulfill all things in His Son Christ Jesus?
Paul gives us the clearest answer … “that in all things he might have the preeminence”. Colossians 1:18
There it is! Everything that will last and has meaning moves through Christ. Everything that will be accomplished in our life unto God’s glory will be by, through, and in Christ. He is the author (alpha) and finisher (omega) of our faith. Concerning our own Christian life, consider what St. Paul says:
IN CHRIST … we are the righteousness of God IN HIM.IN HIM … we live and move and have our being.CHRIST IS … unto us all the treasures of hidden wisdom.
Pressing toward the mark (the omega point) of the high calling of God (the omega point) that is in Christ Jesus (the omega).
St. Paul tells us that “in Christ is
time will cease and we will know the eternal Father.
It is no wonder then that Paul speaks of the Omega point this way and of the Omega ... "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever (forever, because he is the Omega).
Moving Toward the Omega Point
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Going For The One
For by one man, the first Adam, came disobedience, sin, and that by him all died, so by one man, the last Adam (the omega point), came obedience, righteousness, and the gift of life ... so that in him, ALL will be made alive. Indeed, all are made alive in one because the omega point is a solitairy singular point that is Christ himself and no other..
For this reason do we hear Christ speak the words "No one comes to the Father except by me" and again, " I AM the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me will never die".. These are in fact omega point sayings of our lord. And no one else has, or ever could, make such statements as these. These are impossible words on the tounges of mere men. Distant alien gods also have no claim to these words for only he who is God who also bore within himself all things including the creation of the world and who partook of it when he was found in fashion in the image of man ... took upon our likeness. So that in him all things are not only created but also contained, and substantiated. This is true whether these "things" are of physical substance or spiritual. Whether they be visible or invisible. Whether they be of a legal nature concerning laws, justice, and due penalty. Whether they be of nurturing ... to love, feed, and grow. Whether they be of a state-of-being to light, warmth, peace, and harmony. Or a state of quality as in that which is purely and crystal clear, undefiled, luminous, and incorruptible. When weakness is turned to strength and sorrow is turned to joy. Who else could bring all things together and by him and through him make all things as befits the God of glory who planned, executed, and accomplished all and everything in this one and the same we call Christ Jesus. He is unique, he is solitairy, and yet without him... there is nothing. Yet with him ... we have everything pertaining to life and Godliness.
"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:"
2 Peter 1:3
Pressing Toward the Omega Point
" In him we live, and move, and have our being."
The spiritual life of every believer in Christ is on a foward trajectory toward the omega point. All things are to be summed up in Christ and that includes the new creation in Chist Jesus. Therfore, it is imperative that the one who is moving toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus be not tied, anchored, or stuck to ones spiritual infancy. We ought to be grounded only in love and even that should be an abounding fruit that abounds more and more. Thus, the trajectory of faith must be in foward motion. Hence, Paul speaks of "walking in the spirit" and keeping in step with the spirit. The action of walking involves foward movement.
So also, John says, "if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another." Consider this, we are to walk in the light AS HE IS IN THE LIGHT and not by any degree less than that. Only believers who are spiritually moving foward have spiritual conversation one with another. Once the spiritual foward motion stops, the spiritual conversation ends. Though he at first tried, Jesus could not speak spiritualy with Nicodemus who was stuck to old Pharisaic traditions of men. So then, what did Jesus do on account of Nicodemus? After a rebuke to the master of Israel, Our Lord digressed from speaking in the spirit concerning spiritual things to accomodating Nicodemus by quoting the old testement ... "even as the serpent was lifted up so must the son of man be lifted up." Christ moved backward... a retrograde... because that is what must be done to communicate with those who are hand-cuffed to the motionless past. Being dormant is detrimental because it stunts growth and inhibits spiritual awareness and progress. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "by the traditions of men, you have made the word of God of no effect."
Nor could St. Paul speak as spiritual with the believers at Corinth. The Corinthians failed to move foward as they were still on milk when they should have long been on strong spiritual meat. Faith moves. It is not stationary, nor does it keep still, nor does it sit and cling to the past. The Holy Spirit is always moving us foward toward the omega point because all things called by God are to be fulfilled in him ... by the Spirit. It is a dangerous thing for any christian to be hinged to a constant malasia of retrograde. The Pharisees could not move foward unto the message of John the Baptist much less the Savior when he appeared. For, they told Jesus, "we have Moses" and "we are sons of Abraham." They were experts at stating their past tradition. That they held on to the foundation of their tradition was not the issue but rather their inability to move foward and move beyond it. Jesus allowed their foundation but did not excuse their being stuck to it in a stationary way when he said, "I know you are the sons of Abraham, but Abraham rejoiced to see my day." That is, the day when Christ would come and fulfill the promise that God made concerning Abraham's covenant. You see, Abraham looked foward to the progress of God's plan by Christ Jesus. As sons of Abraham, the Pharisees joined themselves to the foundation of Abraham's covenant but refused to move foward with Christ. The truth is ... they did not recognize the day of their visitation and did not rejoice to see the fulfillment that Jesus came to bring. What was the result? They could not move foward into the New Covenant with all of its glorius promises in Christ Jesus ... the very thing Abraham rejoiced to see.
Moving forward does not mean erasing ones foundation. For, Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. The cross of Jesus Christ is our foundation through the gospel wereby we were saved. This will always be the truth and the grace by which we stand. Likewise, we hold to the traditions set forth by God such as the eucharist in the body and blood of Christ and the bread and wine. For, the Lord knows that Satan would rush to steal the glorius gospel from us or cause us to forget our foundation. Because of this, many a men have lost their way and have become magicians instead of ambassadors of Christ. So then, we must continue to rember that everyday we are to stand at the foot of the cross and behold our crucified Lord yet not as aloof onlookers. For Christ is no longer there but seated at the right hand of God. Nor, are we to crucify again afresh the son of God over and over. For, Christ died once and only once. He need not be crucified again. We are to take up and carry the cross as Jesus commanded while at the same time be transformed from glory to glory, walk in the spirit, run our race in him, and come into the full stature of Christ. Everthing is to move into Christ but we as the enlightened ones ought to be 'pressing toward the mark" (toward the omega point), the very same thing which Christ apprehended us for.
DAYS & COUNTING Prophecy Newsflash!
The Omega Point
DAYS & COUNTING Prophecy Newsflash!