The Early and Latter Rain
James 5:7 ... unto the coming of the Lord
Don't Be Caught From Being Left Behind!
Many events are about to take place ... suddenly.
It's time to recognize the time of Christ's visitation. The coming of the Lord is at hand.
Soon, there will no longer be any delay. While we with patience are waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ, we know that there is a final call that the Lord is to make concerning the day of salvation.
We are in fact at a point of Days and Counting!
- "Be patient therefore, Brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
- Behold the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth,
- and has long patience for it, until he receives the early and latter rain.
- Be you also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draws nigh."
- - James 5:7-8
St. James the Just, the Lord's Brother
Even as there was a pentecost outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the time of the early church (the early rain) ... in which many were added to the Church, so now, we are in the time of "the latter rain" ... the end time pouring out of the Spirit of God's power unto salvation upon the world ... just before the Lord returns. The precious fruit of the earth are those last days harvest of souls that are ready to receive the call of the gospel. The Lord is ready to receive you.
Now is the time to believe on the name of the Son of God.
"the coming of the Lord draws nigh"
The latter rain is the end time harvest for all of the end time believers unto the coming of the Lord. This includes both the raptured saints of the church out of this world followed by 144,000 sealed Jews out of the tribulation, as well as the tribulation saints. Some teach there is only one group that is resurrected at the very end. But, the word of God does not teach this. The Church is not the one and only fruit of the resurrection, but rather the first fruits of the resurrection. We are awaiting the appearing of Jesus Christ and our gathering together unto him. This event will happen so quickly within a moment, a twinkling of an eye, and will mark the finishing of God's mystery. What we are telling you is not some new novel idea that we have just come up with. This truth was declared to the Saints in Light when the mystery ... the Church ... began.
What must be said now (as the most important thing) and declared to you is the good news of Jesus Christ.
Go to our What We Must Proclaim to You page on the There's Only One Answer website. It is the most important truth for this present time and what remains of Days & Counting!
DAYS & COUNTING Prophecy Newsflash!
The Early & Latter Rain
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