When you contribute to this ministry to support our work ... we believe you have a right to know where the money goes ... all of it.
- We are not currently taking donations at this time as our site is not yet marketed. It is up and running on the internet however ... but not yet set with SEOG to reach much of an audience. When we accept donations in the future, we will list all incoming summed amounts and will document where and how those donations are being utilized for the ministry, for helping people, and sponsoring the gospel.
Note: the donate button on the "donate page" is currently active and functioning. This means that donations will be processed if one follws the steps. Donate if you wish but more importantly pray that God will help us finish the site and get it fully launched. And, that it will be energized with the Holy Spirit that we may effectively win souls for Christ.
Some parts of our website still need to be finished. But, we hope to fully launch the site within the fourth quarter of 2021.
Thank you.
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