Commentary On "The Message For America"
DAYS & COUNTING Prophecy Newsflash!
The Title
Back to The Message for America
The title is: "The Message for America." The title is not "The Message for the Church." The subject matter is concerned with the judgement of Mystery Babylon, the Great Whore. The message is given to Dumitru by an angel. It was a message ... and Dumitru tells us it was not a vision or dream and that he was fully awake when he heard it. The angel came to proclaim the future judgement on America. Nowhere, in the angel's message did he speak concerning the church. Only (and only) when Dumitru inquired about the church, did the Angel respond to his inquiry accordingly. Therefore, any information given about the church was incidental detail and only by way of response and was not in the original message coming as set forth by the angel. This is important for us to remember as we shall see.
Proper Perspective On Timing
"The Message for America" is from the perspective of the great tribulation. The angel made it clear that the destuction of America was parallel in reference to Revelation chapter 18 where we see the destruction of "that great city, Babylon". If therefore, the judgement of America is also the judgement upon Babylon that great city, then the timing of America's judgement would not take place before the tribulation begins, but after. Specifically, it would be somewhere in the second half of the tribulation, a period of time corresponding to 3 1/2 years and called the great tribulation. The abomination of desolation in the temple at Jerusalem will have already taken place since it occurs at the midpoint of the tribulation.
"This is Sodom and Gomorrah!"
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah is the final perversion and decay of America before its destruction. Sodom and Gomorrah not only is identified with homosexuality but also the saturation of this perversion amongst a society. It means when the sin itself is glorified among the nation. God hates pride but to be proud of what God calls an abomination is to make a blatant mockery of God's righteous judgement. When society glorifies and promotes what it should be ashamed of ... then comes the prophet's cry: "Woe unto them who call good evil and evil good". Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities roundabout, indoctrinated its cities in the sin of homosexuality and it overtook the city and its reputation. When America allows and even promotes this pride and perversion of homosexuality in movies, television, radio, commercials, magazines, store ads, cereal box covers, at colleges, schools, and even aims to incorporate LGBTQ indoctrination to children, which only serves to confuse and corrupt their minds, America can know that its destruction is near. When America legalizes same sex marriage and even churches pass new laws to encourage gay and same sex marriage of ministers, America can know that its destruction is near. When America is no longer one nation under God saluting the red, white, and blue, but rather lifts itself above God while pledging allegience to be one nation under the rainbow Pride flag, America can know that its destruction is near.
God uses water and fire to cleanse iniquity and wickedness. At the flood of Noah, water was the cleansing agent in which the flood came and took the wicked all away. But fire is the more permanent cleanser. Never again did Sodom and Gomorrah rise from the ashes. In ONE DAY IT WILL BURN. According to the prophecy, it means nuclear explosions. The judgement will be quick and severe. Once it comes, there will be no time to repent. This fire of judgement is but a one day precursor to the eternal fire of judgement in the lake of fire.
"What will you do with the church?"
Taking into account that America will burn, it was reasonable for Dumitru to ask about the church.
He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me."
I now ask, where is the faithful church? The ones who are looking for his appearing and walking in obedience to the commandments of the Son of God? If they should sin, they confess their sins and seek forgiveness (as Christ commanded) and as scripture declares "he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." To confess our sins is part of the walk of being in obedience to Christ. You see, the faithful church does not say "it has no sin" but always seeks to confess its sin as the church remains faithful in following Christ. This is the obebient faithful church. But, the Angel speaks to a different church altogether. For he insists that the church at the time of America's destruction is the church that needs to be saved and has forsaken the Lord. Is this the fallen away church? The apostate church? The lukewarm church? Exactly what church is it?
"How did they forsake you?"
A crucial question put forth by Dumitru. Again, what part of the church are we identifying here?
He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible.
Ah, we now come to the revealing truth. These are all sins of an ongoing lifestyle. Not momentary sins of stumbling and confession. It is not the faithful followers of Christ who are in the tribulation but those who are far beyond carnal. These are worldly individuals "supposedly in the church" who neither looked for his appearing, nor did they live in obedience to the truth. While they claimed to be of the faith they were liars by their very conduct and way of life.
Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches.
Their candle stick is removed. This did not happen even to the lukewarm church of Laodicea in the book of Revelation. Yes, the Laodiceans were rebuked. But the Laodicean church did not altogether foresake the Lord, they were complacecent, lazy, and boastfully "blessed." The church in America however, at the time of America's destruction, is the church that needs to be saved, has forsaken God's truth, and lives like the world in all manner of sin. This is either the church that never has been truly "saved" or has defected fully astray from their salvation.
You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live."
Here is the prescription. It should be noted first that none of the seven churches in the book of Revelation ever received a message so severe as this from any of their angels. The angel says, "You must yell in a loud voice" implies that the message must be amplified boldly because America is dull of hearing God's truth ... meaning, they don't fear God and prefer listening to demonic propaganda. But, the angel to America makes it clear. The church must repent and turn from their sin. They are "sinning" as a lifestyle. "If they have sinned until now" speaks of a lifestyle of sin, not just a stumbling along the path of life. This is willful sinning. "They must draw close to the Lord". It means those in the church care little or nothing about worshipping God, praying, reading the bible, etc. "And live a clean life", because they are not living a clean life.
"And start a new life". How sad. Even now, this commentator wishes to cry. Jesus Christ came for the very purpose that we may have a new life in him ... to be "in Christ". But, the church in the tribulation at the time of America's judgement is not "in him". They are outside of Christ and "in sin".
SO THEN, WHERE IS THE CHURCH THAT IS "IN CHRIST"? The true believers who have looked for his appearing, had zeal in the Lord, and where faithful in their faith and asking God to forgive them ... and confessing their sins when needing to? Where is the faithful church that walks in the light and loves God? Why does the angel not speak of them relative to America's destruction? Where are they?
THEY ARE NOT IN THE TRIBULATION. THEY ARE NOT IN AMERICA AT THIS TIME OF AMERICA'S DESTRUCTION ... FOR THE CHURCH THAT IS "IN CHRIST" HAS BEEN RAPTURED AND HAS ESCAPED THE WRATH TO COME AS ST. PAUL WROTE TO THE FAITHFUL CHURCH AND TOLD THEM TO BE LOOKING FOR THAT BLESSED HOPE. The faithful church is GONE as it has ESCAPED the tribulation. Therfore, there is NO message from the angel over America to the raptured church who are already departed and in heaven with the Lord.
- I Thessalonians 1:10, Titus 2:13, Revelation 3:10, The Shepherd of Hermas, vision 4, 2:5
"What will you do with the Church of the Lord?
"What will you do with the church of the Lord". You would think at this point, the angel would now speak of the faithful church, "the church of the Lord". But it turns out that the only church the angel can speak of is the church that must turn toward the Lord. Dumitru continues to ask about the church in America at the time of this great judgement of fire. Notice, now he gets more specific and deals just with the class that will turn to the Lord. Notice however, their condition is not a good one for they in fact do need to turn toward the Lord. By contrast, the raptured faithful church is gone in the rapture at least 3 1/2 years before this time. But the remaining defiled church will be found in the tribulation and will have two camps. 1. Those who will repent and turn back to the Lord. 2. Those who do not repent, neither do they turn toward the Lord.
Here is the proclamation that the angel commands Dumitru to make unto "the church of the Lord." "You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord."
How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?"
Dumitru asks how those ones out of the corrupt church who in fact do TURN BACK to the Lord in what manner will they be saved.
He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them."
Notice, the church in America is not raptured or caught up to meet the Lord in the air upon their returning to the Lord and repenting. But rather, the angel will protect them through the firey blaze of judgement. They will be supernaturally saved and protected if they turn toward the Lord. Notice the phrase "how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them." The fact that the angel references prophecies in Daniel which are for the Jewish state and city of Jerusalem, is further proof that this part of the church will be saved through the time of the tribulation which is when prophecies in the book of Daniel will be fullfilled for the nation of Israel.
When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought.
The repentant, saved church that has turned toward the Lord in the tribulation will meet the Lord in the air at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ just prior to the battle of Armageddon. This is at the end of the tribulation at the day of the Lord. Although they missed the aforesaid rapture, they will at this later time be gathered together with the faithful church as Jesus Christ returns with his raptured holy church and holy angels (The Didache 16:15-17). Although the repentant church in America did not escape the great tribulation, they shall be saved through the tribulation. Whereas all tribulation Saints, are said to be martyred for the word of their testimony and are promised to be saved out of the great tribulation. Remember meanwhile, the faithful church is previously delivered from the wrath to come in the rapture which was not spoken of in Daniels prophecy for it, the rapture was a mystery.
Those of the apostate church who do not repent and return to the Lord will partake of the plagues that will be sent on "that great city, Babylon". The sins of the great city will bring upon it utter destruction. See what God says about "my people" in Revelation 18:4, and also, The Shepherd of Hermas, vision 4, 2:6
We conclude that the only church to be addressed in this prophecy including the "church of the Lord" is the apostate church living in sin. There is no other church that can be addressed or spoken of because the faithful church is absent having been previously raptured before the tribulation and not in the tribulation time when America is to be utterly burned with fire. St. Peter taught that God always delivers the faithful first and reserves the unjust unto judgement. 2 Peter 2:9-10, Proverbs 12:13, Proverbs 16:4, Job 21:30.
The Gates of Paris (The Great Reset- Entrance Way into the One World Global Beast System).
We all know that a gate is an entrance passage way and we know that Paris is the capital city of France. But, what is meant by the term "the Gates of Paris" and why did the angel use such an encrypted phrase? Why also, did the angel say that the Russians would be "pushed all the way to the gates of Paris"?
First, "the gates of Paris" refers to the gateway of the Boulevard Peripherique ... a circular or ring road that is accessed by gates for pedestrians (the people) and foreign visitors. It is the only means by which the ring road can be accessed by outsiders. Otherwise, the Boulevard Peripherique is completley inaccessible.
Let us now switch gears for a moment and discuss the significance of Paris in the end-time scenario. The Paris Accord also called the Paris Agreement/UNFCCC, is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016.
The USA was included under Barak Obama, but the Republic of America left the Paris Accord when President Donald Trump refused the agreement and announced America's exit at the global forum and said "America will never be part of the global sea of nations, America reserves the right to its own independant national sovereignty, and America will never be a socialist country."
Later, Joe Biden, on January 20th, on the very first day of his inaugaration, reinstated America into the Paris Agreement and this reinstatement took effect on February 19, 2021.
Under the thin veil of climate change, the Paris Agreement represents the eventual end of the Republic of America as we know it. It represents a united world called the "New Society" with a legally binding international state organization and ideology. Preparation is already underway to make this planned world-state a united globalist slave asylum which extends far beyond combating climate change. The multi-country state unification is to include a one world economy which will include a one world currency and a united world tax, as well as a one world military, and a one world religion. People will be indoctrinated into this system and treated like cattle for profit.
This system will ultimately converge as the "beast out of the sea" (Antichrist), "beast out of the earth" (false Prophet), and the "beast out of the abyss" (Satanic Angel over the Antichrist kingdom, historically forshadowed in Daniel ch.8 & ch.11).
They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris.
Today ... the Russian Federation is part of the Paris Agreement. Yet, it has not been much interested in returning to it's once socialistic economy. Like Americans, Russians enjoy their new found freedom and liberty and independence. Also, Russia will remain independent until it is conquered by the Antichrist global system near the end of the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. The phrase, "They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris," does not so much refer to the President of Russia for once he is defeated by a coalition of China, Japan, and other nations, he will be taken out of the way. It is the "Russians" that will be "pushed all the way to the gates of Paris" ... meaning, the Russian people or citizens will be swept back again into the grips of a demonic socialist totalitarian global stronghold, albeit not with the consensus of the Russian people. The newly conquered Russian Federation will then be absorbed into the Antichrist kingdom with newly "appointed" Russian leaders. The Antichrist beast system which will have become the "Magog" at that time, will emass together the vast majority of nations to destroy the nation of Israel. However, the nations of the world will be confronted by the the Lord Jesus Christ who will return in flaming fire against these nations and rescue Israel. As a result, the kingdoms of the world will go into perdition. This great final war is called "the battle of Armageddon."
"tomorrow before you wake, I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which I will send someone to pay your rent."
Why would Dimitru receive a bed in the morning before he is awake? A bed represents rest, not just sleeping. It is a place of rest. A bucket of honey is given at noon. The noontime represents the midday meal and the honey represents the sweet delight of taste and nourishment for God gives to his prophet the sweetness of his wisdom in prophecy unto his people that they may know the truth of what is to come and announce their deliverance from it. A "bucket" means a large quantity. It means we will be satisfied with abundance from God's sweet goodness. And finally, "someone to pay your rent." It means that God has prepared a place for us and he has paid the price so we may receive a place in his kingdom of heaven for our living. This is God's sign to his faithful servants who declare his word and receive a prophets reward.
* "The Prince of Grecia will come" This angel was in political authority during the time of Alexander the Great when Gabriel went and fought against the Prince of Persia. The previous defeat of Persia made way for the Prince of Grecia to come into the world of political affairs next. When the kingdom of Greece met its end, this Satanic prince of Grecia was consigned to the abyss. This Satanic angel will "rise out of the abyss" in the last days to energize the last days Antichrist of whom Antiochus Epiphanes was a mere historical type and shadow at that time in world history. The fifth kingdom Grecia, is the beast who's head was wounded and healed. This is the "beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition."